Frequently Asked Questions | COVID | Springfield College


What is the vaccination requirement?

Based on recommendations from the CDC, the American College Health Association, and the State of Massachusetts Department of Health, Springfield College will no longer have a COVID Vaccination requirement effective May 15, 2023. We highly recommend that all students and employees stay up-to-date with their vaccinations.

Can people ask about others vaccination status?

We understand that students and employees may want o know each other's vaccination status. It is up to each individual to determine their comfort level with sharing this information about themselves.

How do we handle the symptoms of colds and flus that overlap with COVID-19?

As with any illness, students experiencing symptoms that are impacting their ability to attend class, activities or work should notify their faculty, coach or supervisor.  If medical evaluation is warranted, students should make an appointment at the Health Center, a local urgent care or with their primary care provider. Faculty and staff notify their supervisor and use their sick time if they are unable to work and seek medical care when indicated.

Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 should notify the Health Center at or 413-748-3175; faculty and staff should notify their supervisor.

What can I expect if I isolate/quarantine on campus?

Students who self-isolate/quarantine on campus can contact staff within the Health Center throughout the process to answer any questions or provide guidance. Students may leave isolation on day 6 if they are fever -free  and if their symptoms have resolved (e.g., feel well enough to come to class/work, and without fever for 24 hours without the use of medication), but must adhere to strict mask wearing for an additional 5 days (until Day 10). In this instance, high quality masks must be worn at all  times, except for when a student is alone in their own residence hall room/apartment.

Students can use grab-and-go options for meals (must be masked) or may arrange contactless delivery of food, groceries and supplies. Students will be responsible for working with their instructors to remain current with their courses. Assistance with access to printing and library materials will be made by arrangement if necessary.
