Thank You from Academic Affairs | Springfield College

Thank You from Academic Affairs

As an academic leadership team, we would like to take a moment in this season to give thanks to you, our faculty, and staff colleagues.

As an academic leadership team, we would like to take a moment in this season to give thanks to our faculty, staff, and students. As we reflect on the fall semester thus far, there are so many things that we want to thank you for. Here are just a few.

  • Thank you for everything that you have done for our students, from making accommodations, to supporting them remotely, to all the other little extra things you do for our students.
  • Thank you for all you have done to keep our campus community safe, from wearing your masks and maintaining safe social distances.
  • Thank you for dealing with the multiple lists of students who were not tested or students who were in quarantine or needed to be held out of classes to have additional testing.
  • Thank you for your graciousness and flexibility in moving from one mode of instruction to another, and sometimes back again.
  • Thank you for your patience with us, as these times placed us in scenarios none of us could have even imagined.
  • Thank you for attending endless zoom meetings and always letting us know when we were speaking on mute.

As we end our note of thanks, we are reminded of Dr. Suess quote:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot

Nothing is going to get better 

It is not!”

Well, it is obvious to us that you have cared a lot and have helped to provide our students with a quality Springfield College education in these difficult times.  We know that we are not through this, yet we wanted to share our thanks.  We wish you a safe and restful break.


Mary Ann



