Chris Hakala
Chris Hakala

- Doctor of Philosophy, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H., 1995
- Master of Arts in Experimental/Cognitive Psychology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H., 1992
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Castleton State College, Castleton, Vt., 1990
Chris Hakala has over 20 years’ experience as a professor and Center Director in higher education institutions. Over the years, his research has focused on reading comprehension, teaching and learning, effective faculty development and assessment. In addition, Chris has been invited to present at many conferences around the country as well as dozens of colleges and universities on topics ranging from reading narrative text to how to effectively manage large classes, or how to engage students in ways that maximize student learning. At Springfield, Chris runs the Center for Excellence on Teaching, Learning and Scholarship and teaches courses in the psychology department.
The science of learning has, over the last 20 years, begun to yield results that allow us to better understand how students learn in the classroom. My research is interested in translating that basic research into best practices in the classroom. The goal is to create teaching and learning environments that maximize the skills of the instructor within the context of the content as well as the unique culture of Springfield College.
Selected Works
- The classroom as Practice: Keynote at the Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Bethesda, MD. May, 2017
- Using technology to enhance student learning: Workshop at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA. November, 2017
- Science of Learning: Presentation to Faculty, Cayuga Community College, Auburn, NY. August, 2017
Selected Works
- Benassi, V. A., Overson, C. E., & Hakala, C. M. (2014). Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
- Nolan, S. A., Hakala, C., & Landrum, R. E. (2021). Assessing undergraduate learning in psychology: Strategies for measuring and improving student performance. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Hakala, C. M. (2017). Teaching the Teachers. Inside Higher Ed.
- Hakala, C. M. (2016). Translational research. Faculty Focus.
- Hakala, C. M. (2015). Large Classes? How do I deal with that? NOBA Project. .
- Hakala, C. M. (2015). Why can’t students just pay attention? Faculty Focus.
- Hakala, C.M. (2014). AP Psychology, 2014 edition. New York: Kaplan Books.
- Hakala, C.M. (2012). Learning and Memory: Facts on File. Facts on File Press.
- Hakala, C.M. (2012). Research Methods. In Psychology: Understanding our Universe Within (2nd Edition). New York: Prentice Hall.
- Steiner, H, & Hakala, C. M. (in press). What do SoTL Practitioners Need to know about Learning. Teaching and Learning Inquiry.
- Williams, T., Johns, L., & Hakala, C. M. (2017). Issue Mapping and Inquiry: Preparing College Students for the Challenges of the Changing Economic World: