Springfield College Student Shakespeare Readings 2020 | Springfield College

Springfield College Student Shakespeare Readings 2020


Springfield College Professor of English and Honors Program Director Rebecca Lartigue recently led her students through the annual group work performances of Shakespeare's "Othello" and "Much Ado about Nothing."

The dramatic readings of the scenes included students in costume, vocal inflections, facial expressions, and sound effects. 

group 1--Othello--Kris Rhim, Taylor Sanzo, Ian Snowdeal

group 2--Othello--Kayla Gonder and Margo Boland

group 3--Othello--JaNaya Ashley, Kaila Franco, and Jay Sophalkalyan 

group 4--Much Ado about Nothing--Eric Belyea, Grace Pedersen, Ryan Vermette

group 5--Much Ado about Nothing--Evan Wheaton, Sarah Roulier, Grace Berry, and Cameron Smith