Student Spotlight - Kevin Green | Springfield College

Student Spotlight - Kevin Green

Kevin Green

Master of Social Work, '18

2018 Massachusetts Literacy Champion 

Kevin Green is exactly the kind of social work community leader the Springfield College School of Social Work and Behavioral Sciences is proud to highlight. In addition to excelling in the classroom and field, Green was named a Massachusetts Literacy Champion in 2018 by Mass Literacy, a non-governmental organization that funds programs and advocates for and educates on the importance of literacy for all. The honor reflects his commitment to the values and ethics of social work. Green’s organization, Seeds of a Father, works to raise the significance of fatherhood, and demonstrates how positive father engagement is associated with the overall well-being of children, families, and communities. 

The literacy award is presented every other year to eight individuals who are active in literacy education, have shown exceptional commitment and results, and are using innovative methods to help improve literacy in Massachusetts. Winners of the award must currently be involved in the creation and implementation of promising literacy practices. Green's work of bringing fathers, father figures, and male role models into area schools to read to children is just one example of the focused initiatives he and his organization utilize to involve fathers the lives and education of their children. Seeds of a Father is affiliated with Fathers Incorporated in Atlanta, Ga. and participates in its "Real Dads Read" initiative. 

Green's efforts demonstrate the power that an advanced generalist practitioner can have on teh community. As a social worker, his focus on the involvement of fathers directly responds to the needs expressed by families he encounters in his practice in Springfield, Mass. Green works to build strong relationships and partnerships in the community, which he believes are powerful resources in assisting families who face challenges. 

Massachusetts Literacy Champion awardees are asked to share their best practices with peers throughout the state. For more about Green's work, visit