Employer Partnerships | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Employer Partnerships

Educating Leaders Since 1885


A Springfield College education transforms adult learners in spirit, mind, and body. 

Students in cap and gown with diplomas

We recognize that your work experiences can add value to that education. As an employee from one of our educational partnerships, you could receive 15% off your tuition towards your Springfield College degree. This grant will cover 15% of tuition after federal and state gift aid and is for all bachelor, master, and doctoral degree programs at the main campus or online.

In addition to transfer credit, Springfield College recognizes that college-level learning can occur outside of the traditional classroom through work experience, volunteer activities, military service, independent reading and study, participation in training programs and workshops and certificate programs, and more.* *Applies to undergraduate degrees at the main campus and online.

Current Partner Information

To apply, click on your employers logo. 

Explore the Benefits of an Employer Partnership with Springfield College

Empower employees to educate themselves with an institution led by its Humanics philosophy of educating leaders in spirit, mind, and body. Help advance the potential of your employees through multiple degree options with Springfield College. Contact us today to learn more!