Using Library Resources | Springfield College

Why use library resources?

Why would you use information provided by Library Services instead of just searching it on Google? 

The materials that the library purchases for you are of higher-quality than what you can get for free online. Plus, it's the easiest way to find peer-reviewed articles for your assignments!

Getting Started With Research Guide  Library Services Website


What is a Database?

In addition to Quick Search on the Library Services website, the library subscribes to over 100 additional databases for you to use in your research. Awesome!

But what is a database?

A database is a collection of information that can be searched. Your cell phone's Contacts list is a type of database. Google is a database of websites that are available online either for free or for paid access. 

Library databases are different in that they contain all sorts of information from a wide range of sources. They may contain articles published in newspapers, magazines, books, scholarly journals, streaming videos, or even blog posts depending on the one you have chosen. Using the library is the best way to access the information you need for free.

You can browse the Full Database List here.

Watch the video above or read on to learn how to choose a database to search. You can also learn how to place a request for an item via Interlibrary Loan that will be sent to your home if you are a distance learner or to the Information Desk for Springfield campus students. Shipping is free for distance students!

What databases are available at the library? 

Getting Materials via Interlibrary Loan

After you've searched a database, you find an item you want is located at either the Springfield College main campus or maybe even at a different library entirely. You can still borrow these items for free via the Interlibrary Loan system! Materials requested this way will be shipped to your home address.

Watch the video below to learn about the Interlibrary Loan process. Please note that Interlibrary Loan should not be used to request textbooks.

What are Keywords?


You've chosen a database to search. Great! You'll need good keywords to start.

Keywords are the heart of library searching. Library searches require a specific type of search in order to provide the best results to your research question. 

Follow the steps below to generate keywords of your own. 

How to Generate Effective Keywords

How do you start searching?


You've chosen a database, brainstormed some keywords, and now you're ready to search. Let's get started!

Watch this video to learn the basics of searching the Quick Search box on the library website. Although the interfaces will be different, all library databases offer the same features.

Search Operators
