Antonio Guajardo, PhD
Antonio Guajardo, PhD

- Doctorate of Philosophy, Urban Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis., 2016
- Master of Science, Cultural Foundations of Education, University of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis., 1994
- Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Administration, Mount Scenario College, Ladysmith, Wis., 1990
Antonio Guajardo Jr., PhD, is a retired Milwaukee police detective. Guajardo worked 26 years with the Milwaukee Police Department, retiring in 2006. Guajardo started his college teaching career as an adjunct instructor for Springfield College Milwaukee in 1999. Upon retiring from the Milwaukee Police Department he was hired by Bryant & Stratton College where he was the market director for the criminal justice program, until returning in August of 2013 to Springfield College as its assistant dean and campus director of the Milwaukee campus. He is also on the board of the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, is commissioner of Veteran Affairs for Milwaukee County, and a member of the National Latino Peace Officers Association.
- Police Community Relations
- Senior Seminar
- Community Service and Volunteer Work
- President Wisconsin Scholarship Foundation 11 years, current board member 1989-present
- Commissioner of Veteran Affairs Milwaukee County 2005 – present