Elizabeth Montemagni
Elizabeth Montemagni
Professor of Physical Therapy

- Doctor of Physical Therapy, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., 2009
- Master of Science, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 1995
- Bachelor of Arts, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 1992
Research Interests
- Orthopedic rehabilitation
- Community program development
- Interprofessional collaboration and practice
Courses Taught
- Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy Content
- Clinical Kinesiology
- Therapeutic Interventions
Certifications and Memberships
- American Physical Therapy Association
- APTA Certified Clinical Instructor
- Blood Flow Restriction Training Certification
- Pioneer Valley Interprofessional Educational Collaborative
Selected Works
- Kaufman, Chevan, Roberts, Nowakowski, Brooks, Campbell, Maxwell, Montemagni, Pappas, Pelletier. Community Engagement as a Curricular Cornerstone: A Comprehensive Approach to Authentic Education. Educational Session presented at: APTA Education Leadership Conference; October 2015; Baltimore, MD.
- Nowakowski K, Pelletier D, Montemagni E, Pappas K, Campbell A.
- Cumulative Integrated Practical Examinations as a Model for Assessment and Provision of Formative and Summative Feedback. Platform presentation at ELC October 2016; Phoenix, AZ.
- Pelletier D, Nowakowski K, Pappas K, Montemagni E, Campbell A. Professional Behavior Report Cards: A Method of Integrating Assessment and Development of Affective Skills Throughout a DPT Curriculum. Platform presentation at ELC October 2016; Phoenix, AZ.
- Baker DM, Mattison MJ, Montemagni EA, Szafranski C, Dow-Royer C, Meade L, Jacques T, Scoble K. A Regional Intercollegiate Collaboration in Interprofessional Healthcare Ethics Education. Abstract accepted to American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Manuscript in progress.
- Montemagni E, Sprague R. A Mixed Methods Interprofessional Simulation Experience. Poster accepted The Interprofessional Simulation Conference; November 2017 Atlanta, GA.
- Montemagni E., Maxwell J. An Intra-Institution Learning Collaboration: The Springfield College DPT Program and Dance Repertoire Alliance. Poster accepted CSM February 2018; New Orleans, LA
- Baker DM, Mattison MJ, Montemagni EA. A Regional Intercollegiate Collaboration in Interprofessional Healthcare Ethics Educatio. AJPE manuscript August 2018 rejected.
- Montemagni, E. and SHS Rapid Action Team. PV-IPEC Spring Semester IPE Clinical Day April 16, 2019 facilitating and presenting IPE Student experience at SC “IP Ethical Case Deliberation”.
- Montemagni, E. Pioneer Valley Interprofessional Collaborative co-coordinator Baystate Health Whitney Conference Center October 1, 2019 “To Err is Human”.