Elizabeth O'Neill
Elizabeth O'Neill

- Doctor of Physical Education, Concentration in Exercise Physiology, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 2003
- Master of Science, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 2000
- Bachelor of Arts, Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa., 1995
Elizabeth O’Neill taught at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, in the Department of Physical Therapy (2003-04) and Central Connecticut State University in the Department of Physical Education and Human Performance (2004-09) prior to returning to Springfield College in fall 2009.
Elizabeth served as the President of the New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (NE-ACSM) in 2020 and as a member of the Executive Leadership Team from 2019-2022. She is a certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine. She has presented regionally, nationally, and internationally on issues associated with the physiology of aging and bone health.
- Physiology of Sport and Exercise
- Exercise Testing & Prescription for Special Populations
- American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist
- National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
- New England American College of Sports Medicine (NEACSM)
- President-Elect: 2019-2020
- President: 2020-2021
- Past President: 2021- present
Selected Works
- O’Neill, E. & Melnyk, J. (October 2021). What the heck can you do with a degree in exercise science: Building the skills to pay the bills. Fall 2021 NEACSM conference (Oral presentation)
- O’Neill, E. & Bergan, M. (November 2019). Diastasis Recti: Is Surgery the Only Option? Fall 2019 NEACSM conference (Oral presentation).
- Pitsas, D., Matthews, T., Miller, M., O’Neill, E. (November 2019). Prediction of 400-m running performance variables in collegiate track and field athletes. Fall 2019 NEACSM Conference (Master’s Student Research Presentation winner).
- O’Neill, E., Bergan, M., & Matthews, T. (May 2019). Impact of a chronic foam rolling protocol on bunkie test scores. Poster presented at the National ACSM conference; Orlando, FL.
- Vitti, S., Headley, S., Sotir, S., & O’Neill, E. (May 2019). The effects of betalain supplementation on indices of muscle damage. Poster presented at the National ACSM conference; Orlando, FL.
- O’Neill, E., Forte, M., Houseman, R., & Matthews, T. (November 2018).The relationship between the functional movement screen and bunkie test. Poster presentation at the NEACSM conference; Providence, RI.
- Benham-Marin, N., Sotir, S., Thompson, B., O’Neill, E. (July 2018). Changes in lower body power outputs across different menstrual cycle phases. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference July 2018.
- Tamjid, N., DeRevere, J., O’Neill, E., Kostelis, K. (June 2018). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. Poster presentation at the National ACSM conference.
- Dempsey, K., Thompson, B., Winter, C., O’Neill, E., Headley, S. (June 2018). Effects of Acute Resistance Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Central Blood Pressure in Women. Poster presentation at the National ACSM conference.
- O’Neill, E., Forte, M., Houseman, R., Shuman, J., Bergan, M., Matthews, T. (May 2018).The relationship between the functional movement screen and bunkie test. Poster presentation at the International Symposium on Sport and Exercise Science; Costa Rica
- O’Neill, E., Elias, H., & Matthews, T. (May 2018). The relationship of the functional movement screen and bunkie test with vertical jump and power. Poster presentation presented at the International Symposium on Sport and Exercise Science; Costa Rica
- O’Neill, E., & Guyer, S. (May 2018). The Functional Movement Screen. Oral presentation; University of Costa Rica.
- Tamjid, N., DeRevere, J., O’Neill, E., Kostelis, K. (Fall 2017). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. Poster presentation at the NEACSM conference.
- Bruneau Jr., M., Sotir, S., Wood, R. J., Headley, S., O'Neill, E., Lachowski, S., Paolone, V. (2017, June) “Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Ghrelin-o-Acyltransferase in Normal Weight and Obese Adults: A Pilot Study.” Thematic Poster ACSM National Conference; Denver, CO.
- O’Neill, E. (2016, November) “Strategies to combat Sarcopenia.” The 2nd Annual Joint Speaker Series; Springfield College & Baystate Rehabilitation Care. Women’s Health Symposium: Springfield, MA.
- O’Neill, E., Roy, M. P., Vitti, S., Thompson, B., Matthews, T. (2016, June). “Adaptations to bone, strength, power, and body composition in women with varying training protocols.” Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference; Boston, MA.
- Boland, M., & O’Neill, E. (2015, July). “Case Study: The effects of an 8-week functional training program on an adolescent athlete.” Poster presentation at the NSCA conference, Orlando, FL.
- O’Neill, E. (2015, October). “Diabetes and Bone Health.” Presented at the New England ACSM conference; Providence, RI.
- O’Neill, E., & Matthews, T. (2014, May). “Assessment and Exercise Considerations for the Older Adult.” Co-presented at the 20th International Symposium in Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences; San Jose, Costa Rica.
- O’Neill, E., Kostelis, K., Jaffe, D., Vitti, S., Quinlan, M., Boland, M., & Matthews, T. (2014, May). “Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy in Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in an Urban Elementary Setting.” National ACSM Conference; Orlando, FL.
- Sarcopenic Obesity: Definitions, Complications, and Suggested Lifestyle Interventions, NEACSM, 2013
- Bone Density and Physical Activity: The Role of Physical Education, MAHPERD, 2011
- Physical Activity and Health: The Role of Exercise for the Older Adult. Presented at the Special Lecture Series on National Fitness at the Guangzhou Sports Training and Technical College; Guangzhou, China, 2010
- Vitti, S., Bruneau, M., Leyshon, K, Sotir, S., Headley, S., O’Neill, E. (2021). The effects of betalain-rich concentrate supplementation in attenuating muscle damage following eccentric exercise. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, 1(16), 112-121.
- O’Neill, E., Tamjid, N., DeRevere, J., Kostelis, K. (2020). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.
- O’Neill, E. (2019). Diabetic skeletal health and potential benefits of exercise. Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 8(3), 108-114.
- Matthews, T., O’Neill, E., Kostelis, K. Jaffe, D., Vitti, S., Quinlan, M., & Boland, M. (2015). Physical activity and self-efficacy in physical activity and healthy eating in an urban elementary setting. American Journal of Health Education, 46(3), 132-137.
- Luk, H., Winter, C., O’Neill, E., & Thompson, B. (2014). Comparison of muscle strength imbalance in powerlifters and jumpers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(1), 23-27.
- Wood, R. J., & O’Neill, E. (2014). Sarcopenic Obesity Part I: Definitions and Consequences, ACSM Certified News, 24(1), 10-11.
- Matthews, T., Kostelis, K., O'Neill, E. Physical Activity Levels and Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Eating Habits in an Urban Elementary School Setting. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14(1), 16-21, 2014.
- O’Neill, E., & Wood, R. J. (2014). Sarcopenic Obesity Part II: Suggested Lifestyle Interventions. ACSM Certified News, 24(2), 4-7.