Heather Gilmour
Heather Gilmour

- Doctor of Education, UMass-Boston, Boston, MA, 2013
- Master of Education, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA, 2002
- Bachelor of Arts, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME, 1998
Gilmour comes to Springfield College after serving in a one-year appointment during the 2018-19 academic year. Prior to her arrival on campus, she had been at Mount Ida College in Newton, Mass., as assistant professor of sport management, and executive director of Community Engagement. Gilmour spent 13 years working within college athletics as a Division II and III coach and administrator prior to her transition into the classroom. It is this previous professional experience that Gilmour uses as the foundation for all her teaching, creating real-world, practical learning opportunities for her students. Over the years, she has taught not only introductory sport management courses, but also, Venue and Personnel Management, Sport Ethics, Leadership, Athletic Administration, and Event Management. She received her Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from University of Massachusetts at Boston, and consequently has significant interest in teaching and learning in the classroom. Expect her courses to be very experiential in nature, with an emphasis on community-based learning and research. She enjoys finding a variety of ways to integrate students’ perspectives and leadership styles into classroom activities in ways that enhance learning opportunities for everyone. Gilmour is currently researching women's experiences in undergraduate sport management program, and hopes to expand her research on the impact of service-learning for meeting course outcomes.
- Women in sport
- Community-engagement
- College athletic administration
- Social justice
- Introduction to Sport Management
- Event Management
- Seminar in Professionalism in Sport
- Venue and Personnel Management
- Sport Ethics
- Sport Leadership
- Customer Hospitality
- Practicum
- Gilmour, H., Middleton, W., Rodriguez, A. (February, 2022). Mutually beneficial partnerships: Diversifying experience for students, and faculty through community-action research. Presentation at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Conference, Houston, TX.
- Gilmour, H., Wienski, J. (2021, June). Engaging students in a hybrid classroom. Presentation at the Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Gilmour, H. (2020, February). Community-based patchwork quilt: Weaving partnerships throughout the Department. Presentation accepted at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
- Gilmour, H. (2019, February). Students serving as consultants: Building community partnerships for course design. Presentation at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Gilmour, H., Grenier, G. (2018, June). Community Partnerships for course design: Students as consultants. Presentation at the Teaching Professor Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Gilmour, H., Grenier, G. (2018, March). Finding our place: Creating a comprehensive community engagement program that straddles Academic and Student Affairs. Poster presentation at the National Campus Compact Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- National Campus Compact Conference, Poster Presentation (March, 2018), Indianapolis, IN
- Teaching Professor Conference (June, 2018), Atlanta, GA
- Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (February, 2019), Atlanta, GA