Directory for Human Resources | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Human Resources

Name & Synopsis Contact Info Photo
Administrative Associate
  • Contact Ann for general HR information and employee relations activities. Ann is responsible for maintaining the calendar for the office’s Director of Human Resources. She also is the initial contact regarding time and attendance questions, and serves as the contact for general questions. 
Supervising HR Partner (Academic Affairs & Athletics)

Contact Sharon for anything pertaining to HR, including your benefits, leaves of absences, recruiting needs, performance reviews and employee relations, worker's compensation or any other employment-related matters.

HR Clerk

AnnMarie handles overflow customer service, HRIS and ADP processing, and other general office duties.