Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱)
Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱)
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., 2004
Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱) is a committed educator with extensive experience in education, disability studies, and teacher education. She is an empathetic advocate for people with disability labels and their family members. Kim is a difference maker in creating a more just and inclusive society for all.
- Cultural understanding of disability and special education
- Inclusive education
- Autism spectrum disorder
- EDUC 237: Foundations of Multicultural Education
- EDUC 362: Instructional Strategies to Support Exceptional Learners
- EDUC 555: Early Childhood Curriculum & Care
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals Special Education Research, Policy & Practice
Selected Works
- Ballin, A., & Kim, H. U. (forthcoming November 2023). Creating socially just classrooms by using calming corner. National Association for Multicultural Education. Montgomery, Alabama.
- Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (May 2023). Pedagogical strategies to inspire teachers to teach all: How to change teachers’ perceptions of students from being a problem to having a problem. American Educational Research Association. Virtual Conference.
- Kim, H. U. (February 2023). My academic journey as migrant faculty in the United States. Paper presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium, San Diego, California.
- Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (October 2022). Changing attitudes to change the narrative about teaching and learning. Paper presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium. Denver, Colorado.
- Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (March 2022). From being a problem to having a problem: Practical applications for caring classrooms through WALK (Watch the behavior and don’t judge it; Accept that the student wants to communicate; Listen to what the student has to say; and Keep the student’s needs in the forefront). National Association for Multicultural Association. Virtual Conference.
- Ballin, A., & Kim, H. U. (October 2020). Student activist or difficult student: How the misreading of student activism leads to inequitable educational outcome. National Association for Multicultural Association. Virtual Conference.
- Kim, H. U. (November 2019). At the intersection of past, present, and future: Reimagining multicultural education and special education. Paper presented at the National Association for Multicultural Association. Tucson, Arizona.
- Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (November 2018). Distance between Disability Studies and special education. Interactive workshop presentation at the National Association for Multicultural Education. Memphis, Tennessee.
- Endo, R., Neal, R., Storm, S., Kim, H. U., & Marrun, N. (April 2018). Narratives of remorse, resistance, and resilience: The experiences of women of color scholars in predominantly White colleges/schools of education. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York.
- Kim, H. U., & Storms, S. (2016). Practicing what we preach: Critical engagement and pedagogy for ALL. Paper presented at the National Association for Multicultural Association, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (2023). Making the shift in theoretical orientation and teaching practices to disability studies: Two educators’ narrative journey. The Educational Forum. http://doi.org/10.1080/00131725.2023/2168812
- Kim, H. U. (2022). “My son caught autism.”: Representation of dis/ability in the Korean language and culture. In D. M. Thomas (Ed.). Women’s health: Readings on social, economic, and political issues (7th ed.). (pp. 348-354). Dubuque, IA: Kendal Hunt.
- Kim, H. U. (2020). Placing disAbility front and center in EDI studies. In S. B. Storms, S. Donovan, & T. Williams. (Eds.), Teaching through challenges for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). (pp.7-16). Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Kim, H. U. (2020). The underrepresentation of faculty of color in higher education: Perspectives from disAbility Studies of Education. In R. Endo (Ed.), Experiences of racialization in U.S. colleges and schools of education: Critical reflections on inclusion in the academy (Research in Educational Equality & Diversity Series). New York, NY/Abington, UK: Routledge.
- Kim, H. U. (2017). Reflecting on a daughter’s bilingualism and disAbility narratively. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(1), 21-34.
- Kim, H. U., & *Roberti, M. (2014). “Tengo que habla español. Yo no entiendo ingles!”: A qualitative case study on a bilingual child with autism. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 3(1). http://josea.info/archives/vol3no1/vol3no1-7-FT.pdf