Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱) | Springfield College

Weather Alert

The Facilities Management Department has scheduled snow removal for Saturday, February 15, 2025 and is requesting all vehicles in the parking lots listed below be moved to an alternate location by Saturday, February 15, at 4:00 p.m. Please use caution when walking or driving on campus during this inclement weather. Snow and rain may create icy conditions, making travel more challenging. Please check your email for the most up to date information.

Impacted Parking Lots: Lot 2 & 2A (Blake Hall), Lot 3B (IT Annex), and Lot 4 (Faculty/Staff Lot)

Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱)

Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱)

Assistant Professor of Special Education

Contact Info


Hyuan Uk Kim head shot
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., 2004

Hyun Uk Kim (김 현욱) is a committed educator with extensive experience in education, disability studies, and teacher education. She is an empathetic advocate for people with disability labels and their family members. Kim is a difference maker in creating a more just and inclusive society for all.

Research Interests
  • Cultural understanding of disability and special education
  • Inclusive education
  • Autism spectrum disorder
Courses Taught
  • EDUC 237: Foundations of Multicultural Education 
  • EDUC 362: Instructional Strategies to Support Exceptional Learners 
  • EDUC 555: Early Childhood Curriculum & Care
Certifications and Memberships
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals Special Education Research, Policy & Practice

Selected Works


  • Ballin, A., & Kim, H. U. (forthcoming November 2023). Creating socially just classrooms by using calming corner. National Association for Multicultural Education. Montgomery, Alabama. 
  • Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (May 2023). Pedagogical strategies to inspire teachers to teach all: How to change teachers’ perceptions of students from being a problem to having a problem. American Educational Research Association. Virtual Conference. 
  • Kim, H. U. (February 2023). My academic journey as migrant faculty in the United States. Paper presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium, San Diego, California. 
  • Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (October 2022). Changing attitudes to change the narrative about teaching and learning. Paper presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium. Denver, Colorado. 
  • Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (March 2022). From being a problem to having a problem: Practical applications for caring classrooms through WALK (Watch the behavior and don’t judge it; Accept that the student wants to communicate; Listen to what the student has to say; and Keep the student’s needs in the forefront). National Association for Multicultural Association. Virtual Conference. 
  • Ballin, A., & Kim, H. U. (October 2020). Student activist or difficult student: How the misreading of student activism leads to inequitable educational outcome. National Association for Multicultural Association. Virtual Conference. 
  • Kim, H. U. (November 2019). At the intersection of past, present, and future: Reimagining multicultural education and special education. Paper presented at the National Association for Multicultural Association. Tucson, Arizona. 
  • Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (November 2018). Distance between Disability Studies and special education. Interactive workshop presentation at the National Association for Multicultural Education. Memphis, Tennessee. 
  • Endo, R., Neal, R., Storm, S., Kim, H. U., & Marrun, N. (April 2018). Narratives of remorse, resistance, and resilience: The experiences of women of color scholars in predominantly White colleges/schools of education. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York. 
  • Kim, H. U., & Storms, S. (2016). Practicing what we preach: Critical engagement and pedagogy for ALL. Paper presented at the National Association for Multicultural Association, Cleveland, Ohio.


  • Kim, H. U., & Ballin, A. (2023). Making the shift in theoretical orientation and teaching practices to disability studies: Two educators’ narrative journey. The Educational Forum. http://doi.org/10.1080/00131725.2023/2168812 
  • Kim, H. U. (2022). “My son caught autism.”: Representation of dis/ability in the Korean language and culture. In D. M. Thomas (Ed.). Women’s health: Readings on social, economic, and political issues (7th ed.). (pp. 348-354). Dubuque, IA: Kendal Hunt. 
  • Kim, H. U. (2020). Placing disAbility front and center in EDI studies. In S. B. Storms, S. Donovan, & T. Williams. (Eds.), Teaching through challenges for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). (pp.7-16). Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. 
  • Kim, H. U. (2020). The underrepresentation of faculty of color in higher education: Perspectives from disAbility Studies of Education. In R. Endo (Ed.), Experiences of racialization in U.S. colleges and schools of education: Critical reflections on inclusion in the academy (Research in Educational Equality & Diversity Series). New York, NY/Abington, UK: Routledge. 
  • Kim, H. U. (2017). Reflecting on a daughter’s bilingualism and disAbility narratively. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(1), 21-34. 
  • Kim, H. U., & *Roberti, M. (2014). “Tengo que habla español. Yo no entiendo ingles!”: A qualitative case study on a bilingual child with autism. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 3(1). http://josea.info/archives/vol3no1/vol3no1-7-FT.pdf