Leila Riley | Springfield College

Weather Alert

The Facilities Management Department has scheduled snow removal for Saturday, February 15, 2025 and is requesting all vehicles in the parking lots listed below be moved to an alternate location by Saturday, February 15, at 4:00 p.m. Please use caution when walking or driving on campus during this inclement weather. Snow and rain may create icy conditions, making travel more challenging. Please check your email for the most up to date information.

Impacted Parking Lots: Lot 2 & 2A (Blake Hall), Lot 3B (IT Annex), and Lot 4 (Faculty/Staff Lot)

Leila Riley

Leila Riley

Assistant Professor of Sport Management
Leila Riley head shot
  • Doctor of Kinesiology - Sport Management, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minn.
  •  Master of Physical Education in Athletic Administration, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Health, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Leila Riley traded the West Coast for the East Coast to join us in the Department of Sport Management and Recreation at Springfield College. Prior to joining Springfield College, Riley taught at Idaho State University and the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. She is a lifelong lover of sport having played sports and spent a number of years in athletic equipment management. Riley grounds her research and teaching in the experiences she had as a professional and as an athlete. Her research, centering around gender equity and mentorship in sport organizations, has shaped the way she sees learning in higher education.

Research Interests
  • Gender Equity
  • Developmental Relationships
  • Leadership
Courses Taught
  • SMRT 101 Introduction to Sport Management 
  • SMRT 440 Ethics in Sport and Recreation 
  • SMRT 450 Social Issues in Sport and Recreation

Selected Works


  • Riley, L., Schull, V., & Kihl, L. (2024). Looking beyond average: High-quality mentoring when men mentor women in professional sport. 20-minute Oral Presentation accepted for the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Cavan, S., Brougham, J., Riley, L., & Thompson, E. (2024). Sport and society: Human Rights Education in Sport Management. Student Symposium presented at North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Brougham, J., & Riley, L. (2024). Networking: Using conferences to generate future employment opportunities. Student Pre-Conference Workshop presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Riley, L. (2024). Mentoring as a Gendered Experience in Professional Sport Organizations. Poster presented at School of Kinesiology Research Day, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Riley, L. (2023). The impact of men mentoring women on gender allyship in professional sport. Session presentation presented at North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
  • Riley, L., Schull, V., & Kihl, L. (2023). Gendered mentoring relationships in the professional sport industry. 20 Minute Oral Presentation presented at North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


  • Riley, L., Fauple, N., Blair, B., & Faure, C. (2018). We’re coming to America! The motivational factors that influence international student-athletes’ desire to play in the USA. Idaho Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance. Winter/Spring, 67-75