Melih Elcin
Melih Elcin

- Master of Science in Educational Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2007
- Family Physician, MoH Ankara Training & Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey, 1999
- Medical Doctor, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, 1991
Melih Elcin started working as a faculty member at Hacettepe University in 2000 after eight years of clinical practice as a physician. He worked at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He served as the head of the Department of Medical Education & Informatics for 15 years. He was the founding head of the Department of Simulation in Health Sciences, and the founding director of the Center for Interprofessional Collaboration and Simulation. He was the director of graduate programs in Medical Education and Simulation in Health Sciences. He was the recipient of the Association for Standardized Patient Educators Outstanding SP Educator Award in 2019.
- Interprofessional education
- Simulation-based education
- Medical humanities
- Quality and safety
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Climate change
- Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator - Advanced, The Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 2014-present
- TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer, Johns Hopkins University, 2022
- Case Manager for Medical Simulation, NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine, 2020
- SSH (Society for Simulation in Healthcare) since 2016
- SSE (Society for Simulation in Europe) since 2010
- ASPE (Association of SP Educators) since 2004
Selected Works
- Caz B, Sarmasoglu Kilikcier S, Elcin M. The Effect of Virtual Reality on Nursing Students Learning about Patient and Employee Safety During COVID-19 Pandemia. SESAM 2022, Seville, Spain
- Sarmasoglu Kilikcier S, Senel E, Celik N, Elcin M. Home-Made Pediatric Severe Burn Moulages: Recipes and Impact on Team Members in In-Situ Simulations. SESAM Virtual 2021
- Sarmasoglu S, Yucel C, Koc G, Elcin M. Evaluation of Nontechnical Skills of Novice Nursing and Medical Students at Interprofessional Simulation Setting. SESAM 2019, Glasgow, UK
- Elcin M, Ciftci Atilgan B, Tasdelen Teker G, Bilge F. Using SP Encounters to Improve Psychological Counselling and Guidance Skills of the Final Year Students. ASPE 2019, Orlando, USA
- Elcin M. Improving Communication of Medical Students with Vulnerable Groups. ASPE 2019, Orlando, USA
- Arslan S, Duygulu S, Elçin M, Alinier G. Developing Nursing Students' Managerial Skills: Scenario-Based Simulation. SESAM 2018, Bilbao, Spain
- Sozen-Sahne B, Ulutas-Deniz E, Elcin M, Yegenoglu S. The Perceptions of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician Students on the Interprofessional Simulation Practices. ICPW 2018, Leuven, Belgium
- Topbaş E, Terzi B, Görgen Ö, Bingöl G, Elçin M. Effects of Simulation Training on the Improvement of Emergency Management Skills. ICOBNE 2017, Samsun, Turkey
- Sezer B, Elçin M, Topbaş E. Using a Flipped Classroom Course for The Development of Simulation Trainers. 4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Trend in Academic Research 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
- Sarikoc G, Sarmasoğlu Ş, Tüzer H, Elçin M, Layat-Burn C. Use of the Relaxation Exercises for Standardized Patients after Portraying in Breaking Bad News Scenarios. SESAM 2017, Paris, France
- Arıkan Dönmez A, Kuru Alıcı N, Kapucu S, Elçin E. The Effect of Laughter Yoga Applied Before Simulation Training on State Anxiety, Perceived Stress Levels, Self-Confidence and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Nurse Education in Practice (70): 103636. (2023)
- Quasinowski B, Assa S, Bachmann C, Chen W, Elcin M, Kamisli C, Liu T, Maass AH, Merse S, Morbach C, Neumann A, Neumann T, Sommer I, Stoerk S, Weingartz S, Weiss A, Wietasch G. Hearts in their Hands—Physicians’ Gestures Embodying Shared Professional Knowledge around the World. Sociology of Health & Illness, 45, 1101-1122. (2023)
- Sarikoc G, Attoe C, Elcin M, Vega MO. Simulated Patients’ Beliefs Towards Mental Illness. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 67, 24-32. (2022)
- Sezer B, Sezer TA, Elcin M. Exploring Spatial Ability in Healthcare Students and The Relationship to Training with Virtual and Actual Objects. Eur J Dent Educ, 26(2): 310-316. (2022)
- Sarmasoglu Kilikcier S, Celik N, Elcin M, Keskin G, Senel E.Impact of Interprofessional Insitu Simulations on Acute Pediatric Burn Management: Combining Technical and Non-Technical Burn Team Skills. Burns, 48(7): 1653-1661 (2022)
- Sezer B & Elcin M. Using Traditional or Flipped Classrooms to Teach “Vascular Access Skill”: A Pilot Study to Investigate the Impact of the Flipped Classroom Approach on Students’ Competencies. The Social Science Journal, 59(2), 269-282. (2022)
- Kucukkelepce GE, Dinc L, Elcin M. Views of Nursing Students on Using Standardized Patientand In- Class Case Analysis in Ethics Education. Nurse Education Today, 107: 105155. (2021)
- Hopkins H, Weaks C, Webster T, Elcin M. The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Gynecological Teaching Associate (GTA) and Male Urogenital Teaching Associate (MUTA) Standards of Best Practice. Adv Simul, 6(1): 23. (2021)
- Erkus Kucukkelepce G, Dinc L, Elcin M. Effects of Using Standardized Patients on Nursing Students' Moral Skills. Nurs Ethics, 27(7): 1587-1602. (2020)
- Sarmasoglu S, Celik N, Elcin M, Senel E. Pediatric Severe Burn Moulage: Recipe and Evaluation from the Burn Team. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 49, 32-39. (2020)