Michelle Moosbrugger
Michelle Moosbrugger

- Doctor of Philosophy, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 2006
- Master of Science, Ithaca College, Ithaca, N.Y., 2002
- Bachelor of Science, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 2000
Michelle Moosbrugger is a passionate advocate for physical education, health education, and physical activity across the lifespan. As a professional, she has been involved with the field in a variety of ways, including coaching youth and collegiate athletics, teaching physical education, and serving on the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Executive Board. She also is invested in research, and has published and presented on topics pertinent to physical educators, teacher educators, and coaches. Beyond her own research, Moosbrugger is invested in supporting student research. Above all, she loves teaching and learning.
Research Interests
- Physical education-teacher education, including pre-service teachers' self-efficacy
- Occupational socialization and teacher education recruitment
- Non-linear pedagogy
Courses Taught
- Doctoral Seminar
- Motor Development and Analysis
- Proposal Design
Certifications and Memberships
- Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Executive Board Member
- SHAPE America
- National Association for Health and Physical Literacy
Selected Works
- Li, B., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2025, April 3). Dance and the developing brain. SHAPE America Convention, Baltimore, MD.
- Rukavina, P. B., Moosbrugger, M. E., & Brian, A. (2025, April 2). The secret sauce: Making it game-like. SHAPE America Convention, Baltimore, MD.
- Moosbrugger, M. E., & Li, B. (2024, November 5). Leveraging movement to support executive function in PreK-2 children. MAHPERD Convention, Worcester, MA.
- Bottino, A., Gagne, E., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2024, March 14). “I got this:” Self-talk skills programming in elementary physical education. SHAPE America Convention, Cleveland, OH.
- Rukavina, P., Walton-Fissette, J., Gu, X., Moosbrugger, M. E. (2024, March 13). Employing inclusive strategies when teaching about motor behavior in PETE. SHAPE America Convention, Cleveland, OH.
- O’Connell, C., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2023, March). Applying constraints-led approach through non-linear pedagogy in secondary physical education. SHAPE America Convention, Seattle, WA.
- O’Connell, C., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2022, November 7). Teacher-coach as guide: Facilitating skill-building through a constraints-led approach. MAHPERD Convention, Worcester, MA.
- Moosbrugger, M. E., Mangano, K., & Hutchinson, J. (2022, April). A structured approach to preparing doctoral students as future faculty. SHAPE America Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Groccia, S., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2022, April). Real-time assessment in physical education teacher education. SHAPE America Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Li, L., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2022, April). Correlations between physical activity participation, the environment, and Covid-19 in children and adolescents: A comprehensive meta-analysis using ecological frameworks. SHAPE America Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Li, L., Louis, M., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2024). Cultivating college students’ motivation in physical education through sport education model in COVID-19 era: A prospective cohort study. Physical Educator, 81(2), 205–230. https://doi.org/10.18666/TPE-2024-V81-I2-11605
- Moosbrugger, M. E., Losee, T., Gonzalez-Toro, C., Drewson, S., Stapleton, P., Ladda, S., & Cucina, I. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions and experiences implementing CATCH My Breath. American Journal of Health Education, 7, DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2022.2142336.
- González-Toro, C., Moosbrugger, M. E., Mangano, K., Mullin, E., & Cherubini, J. (2022). Physical education teacher candidates’ journey: Before, during, and after practicum. Journal of Health and Physical Literacy, 1(2), 83-103.
- Li, L., Moosbrugger, M. E., Mullin, E. M., Wang, A., & Louis, M. (2022). Targeting well-being and physical activity through sport education in higher education. Quest, 74(4), 389–405. https://doi.org/10.1080/00336297.2022.2149416
- O’Connell, C. S., Moosbrugger, M. E., & Smith, D. M. (2022). A phenomenological exploration of the recruitment experiences of Division III student-athletes by head coach and student-athlete gender. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education.
- Luo, Y., Moosbrugger, M. E., Smith, D., France, T., Ma, J., & Xiao, J. (2022). Is increased video game participation associated with reduced sense of loneliness? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Public Health.
- Li, L., & Moosbrugger, M. E. (2021). Correlations between physical activity participation and the environment in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis using ecological frameworks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9080.
- Groccia, S., Moosbrugger, M. E., & Mirando, K. M. (2021). Parent perceptions of a college physical education program for homeschooled students. The Physical Educator, 78(3).
- Goh, T. L., Moosbrugger, M. E., & Mello, D. (2020). Experiences of pre-service and in-service teachers in a comprehensive school physical activity infusion curriculum. Education Sciences, 10(290).
- Moosbrugger, M. E. (2020). Youth in motion: Applying theory and best practice to enhance PETE/HETE recruitment. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 91(2), 24-32.