Rebecca Lartigue
Rebecca Lartigue

- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Ill.
- Master of Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Ill.
- Bachelor of Arts, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.
Rebecca Lartigue directs the Honors Program, overseeing curriculum, policies, and out-of-class learning experiences. She shares her love for reading and writing in the literature and composition courses she teaches, as well as beyond classrooms by offering programming such as Banned Books Week, Medieval Week, Learning in Later Life courses, and short-term study abroad opportunities.
- British Literature I
- History of the English Language
- Renaissance Literature
- Shakespeare
- Chaucer and the Middle Ages
- Medieval Literature
- Early Modern Literature
- Chaucer
- Shakespeare
- Pedagogy
- Interdisciplinary Studies
“’Hende’ Nicholas, Grabby Don: Using Medieval Sexual Violence to Address Contemporary Consent.” 38th Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum. Keene State College, New Hampshire. April 2017.
“Bath Robes and Cotton-Ball Beards: A Common-Sense Approach to Teaching the York Plays, or Lessons Learned by a Latecomer.” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, Michigan. May 2014.
“Spring Break in England: A Model for an Embedded, Faculty-Led Travel Course.” 34th Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum. Plymouth State University, New Hampshire. April 2013.
“First Friday Lecture” (invited lecture). Introductory lecture for Chester Theatre Company’s production of David Davalos' Wittenberg: A Tragical, Comical, Historical in Two Acts. Chester, Massachusetts. August 2011.
“Friendship, Courtship, and Competition in The Roaring Girl.” 32nd Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum. Plymouth State University, New Hampshire. April 2011.