Susan Milstein
Susan Milstein
Assistant Professor of Health Education

- Doctor of Philosophy, Widener University, Chester, Penn., 2006
Research Interests
- Human Sexuality
- Men's Health
Courses Taught
- Human Sexuality, Health Education Methods & Pre-Practicum: Pre K-12
- Human Diseases and Health Promotion, Health Communication & Media Literacy
- Health Promotion Programs For Priority Populations, Hunger and Food Insecurity
Certifications and Memberships
- Master Certified Health Education Specialist, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing
- Certified in Public Health, National Board of Public Health Examiners
- Board Certified Diplomate and Certified Sexologist, American Board of Sexology
- Antiracist Educator Level 1, Virginia Commonwealth University
Selected Works
- Milstein, S. (2020, August 26). When do we get to talk about the whole man? American Journal of Sexuality Education Lecture Series.
- Milstein, S., Hilliard, T., Hall, S., Knox, D. & Hunter, G. (2020, July 22). Factors that impact college students’ perceptions of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. American Journal of Sexuality Education Webinar Series.
- Milstein, S., Clark, O., & Gifford, S. (2023). Improving the psychosocial health of young adults by teaching skills that encourage behavior change. Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference.
- Milstein, S., & Roth Bayer, C. (2021). Just when you think you know how to take a sexual history, a pandemic hits: Sexual history-taking and COVID-19. National Sexual Health Conference, Online.
- Milstein, S., & Karczmarczyk, D. (2020). New decade, same disparities: A look into the current state of men’s health. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Online.
- Milstein, S., & Roth Bayer, C. (2020). Sexuality education, online teaching & learning amidst COVID-19: Lessons learned. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality 2020 Global Sex Research Virtual Conference, Online.
- Milstein, S. & Roth Bayer C. (2019). When #metoo is just the start: Moving from awareness to action. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting.
- Milstein. S., Hunter, G., Lepore, G., Hilliard, T., & Hall, S. (2023). In search of pleasure: an examination of the current state of sexual pleasure education and research in the United States. In W. J. Taverner (ed.)., Sex education research: A look between the sheets. Routledge.
- Milstein, S. & Evans, J. (2022). Community health (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
- Karczmarczyk, D. & Milstein, S. A. (Eds.). (2021). Men’s health: An introduction. Routledge.
- Knox, D. & Milstein, S. (2021). Human sexuality: Making informed decisions (6th ed.). BVT Publishing.
- Ritter, L. J., Martin, T., Fox, K., Knox, D., & Milstein, S. (2021). “Thanks for telling me”: The impact of disclosing sex secrets on romantic relationships. Sexuality & Culture, 1-16.
- Milstein, S., Hilliard, T. E., Hall, S., Knox, D. & Hunter, G. (2019). Factors that impact college students’ perceptions of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 15(1), 99-110.