Physician Assistant Studies Graduate Tuition and Fees

Physician Assistant Studies Graduate Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees 2025-26 Academic Year

Amount will vary by student, costs are estimates and subject to change.

Entering as an Undergraduate Student

Direct-Entry RouteYear 1 Summer
(Term 1)
Year 1 Fall
(Term 2)
Year 1 Spring
(Term 3)
Year 2 Summer
(Term 1)
Year 2 Fall
(Term 2)
Year 2 Spring
(Term 3)
Presumed Credits171614161718
Tuition ($1,212/credit)$20,604$19,392$16,968$19,392$20,604$21,816
Grad FeeNA$203$203NA$203$203
Technology FeeNA$296$296NA$296$296
Practicum Fee (Approx)NANANA$2,909$3,090$3,272
*(Less SC Grant)-$3,333-$3,333-$3,334-$3,333-$3,333-$3,334
Year 1 Total$47,962
Year 2 Total$62,081
Gross Total$110,043

* (Less) $3,333 SC Grant per term of full-time graduate study up to six terms for students with a bachelor's degree from Springfield College.

Students who may receive a Graduate Assistantship or Fellowship may not combine the SC-grant with their tuition waiver. Only one award may apply to a student's account at a time. Students will receive the higher value award.

View all undergraduate tuition and fees

Entering as a Graduate Student

Non Direct-Entry RouteYear 0 Spring
(Term 1)
Year 1 Summer
(Term 1)
Year 1 Fall
(Term 2)
Year 1 Spring
(Term 3)
Year 2 Summer
(Term 1)
Year 2 Fall
(Term 2)
Year 2 Spring
(Term 3)
Presumed Credits14171614161718
Tuition ($1,212/credit)$16,968$20,604$19,392$16,968$19,392$20,604$21,816
Grad Fee$203NA$203NA$203$203$203
Technology Fee$296NA$296$296NA$296$296
Practicum Fee (Approx)-NANANA$2,909$3,090$3,272
Year 0 Total$17,467
Year 1 Total$57,962
Year 2 Total$72,081
Gross Total$147,510

Housing and Food allowance fees will be an additional cost if you reside in campus housing.

View all graduate tuition and fees

Other Fees (indirect costs)

SurgiReal suture skin$25-$40
Background check variable by state$150
Required Medical Equipment$750
Health Center Costs (TB testing, drug screen, vaccinations)$120
MA CORI check$25
Books & Supplies$1,300