Grants and Sponsored Research - Fall 2021 | Springfield College
Grants and Sponsored Research
Charlie Brock

Charlie Brock

LaTonia Naylor

LaTonia Naylor

Head Men’s Basketball Coach Charlie Brock's Pride Literacy Awards Program received $4,000 from the City of Springfield to resume literacy services to students in the Springfield Public Schools in July 2021.

Sally M. Hage, PhD, professor of psychology, received a $3,975 grant from the Center for Institutional Courage in September 2021. Hage will use the grant to provide training on diversity, social justice, prevention, and health. Her clinical experiences include individual and group work with culturally diverse youth, college students, and adults. In addition, Hage received a $2,500 grant in August 2021 from the Association of Title IX Administrators for her study on “Compelled disclosure policies in higher education: creating more accountable, effective, and equitable institutions.” Her current study may be used to inform the development of survivor-centered reporting policies across institutions.

Regina Kaufman, PT, EdD, NCS, professor of physical therapy, and Kimberly Nowakowski, MS, associate professor of physical therapy, received a $287,610 grant from the Administration for Community Living for a three-year project period focused on two different evidence-based fall prevention programs for older adults (Stay Active and Independent for Life, and Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance). Kaufman and Nowakowski are working closely with partners in community-based organizations throughout the four-county western Massachusetts region to increase delivery capacity for the two programs, and to engage more older adults in training that improves their balance, reduces their risk of falls, and contributes to their abilities to age in place.

LaTonia Naylor, director of AmeriCorps, received a supplemental increase of $93,612 from the Massachusetts Service Alliance to increase the stipends provided to AmeriCorp members in August 2021. In addition, the previous contract year of the Springfield College AmeriCorps program was refunded at $370,938 in May 2021.