Publications | Springfield College

Scarlett (Seong-In) Choi, PhD, associate professor of psychology, co-authored “Ambivalence over emotional expression and the perceived therapeutic bond: An analogue experiment comparing cognitive-behavioral and client-centered approach” in Counseling Psychology Quarterly in February 2020.

Martin Dobrow, MA, professor of communications, published “The Black girl who defied segregation, inspiring MLK and Jackie Robinson” in The Washington Post in February 2021.

Katherine Dugan, PhD, assistant professor of religion, published “Why Gen Z Catholics want a patron saint of the internet” in Slate Future Tense in October 2020.

Scarlett Choi

Scarlett Choi

Mary Kate Feit, PhD, assistant professor of strength and conditioning, co-authored the book Functional Training Anatomy, published by Human Kinetics in March 2021.

Erin E. Futrell, PhD, assistant professor of physical therapy, co-authored “Exerted running results in altered impact mechanics and footstrike patterns following gait retraining” in the Journal of Sports Sciences in February 2021.

Chris Hakala, PhD, director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, co-authored “What do SoTL [scholarship of teaching and learning] practitioners need to know about learning?” in Teaching & Learning Inquiry in March 2021.

Megan W. Harvey, PhD, assistant professor of health sciences, co-authored “Stress and anxiety are associated with lower gestational weight gain in Hispanic women” in Women’s Health Issues in November 2020.

Regina Kaufman, PT, EdD, professor of physical therapy, published “Why was I so afraid?” in the Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation in November 2020.

Chris Hakala

Chris Hakala 

Kathleen Martin, chief of staff in the Office of the President, co-authored “We stand on her shoulders: Tracing the pedagogical legacy of Dr. Barbara E. Jensen” in Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science in April 2021.

Elizabeth M. Morgan, PhD, associate professor of psychology, co-edited Sexuality in Emerging Adulthood (part of the Emerging Adulthood Series) published by Oxford University Press in March 2021.

Oliver J.C. Rick, PhD, assistant professor of sport management and recreation, co-authored “Critiquing anthropocentric media coverage of the COVID-19 sports ‘hiatus’” in the International Journal of Sport Communication in September 2020. Rick also co-authored “Podcast production for sporting pedagogy: Arts-based methods and embodied possibilities” in Interdisciplinary Humanities in August 2020. In addition, Rick contributed the chapter “Physically active in the flattened city” in the book Sport, physical culture, and the moving body: Materialisms, technologies, ecologies in January 2020.

Mara Simon, EdD, assistant professor of physical education and health education, co-authored the book, Race talk in white schools: Re-Centering teachers of color, published by Lexington Books in November 2020.

Paul Thifault, PhD, associate professor of English, co-edited Resources for American Literary Study (Volume 42.1), a peer-reviewed journal of archival discovery and bibliographical analysis, published February 2021. His editorial assistant was English major Rowan Beckford, Class of 2022.

Sofija Zagarins, PhD, associate professor of public health, published “Established diet quality indices are not universally associated with body composition in young adult women” in Public Health Nutrition in March 2021.

Oliver J.C. Rick

Oliver J.C. Rick

Mara Simon

Mara Simon

Meiqi Zhang, doctoral student in the Department of Physical Education and Health Education, published “The effects of a 10-week neuromuscular training on balance performance in elite youth competitive ballroom dancers: A randomized controlled trial” in Frontiers in Physiology in March 2021. Her co-authors were Zhan “John” Liu, PhD, professor of physical education, and Daniel M. Smith, PhD, assistant professor of research and statistics.