Amanda Hasenzahl '13 Reflects on the Impact of East Campus

Springfield College alumna Amanda Hasenzahl ’13.
By: Damon Markiewicz
Since graduating from Springfield College, alumna Amanda Hasenzahl '13, has found personal and professional success that can be directly attributed to the educational opportunities she experienced at East Campus as a student.
“I was fortunate during my time at Springfield College to experience East Campus on many different levels, including being a student participant in orientation programs, serving as a student staff at Outdoor Pursuits, leading groups as a ropes course facilitator, taking part in internship opportunities, and working as a Camp Massasoit counselor. All of these experiences taught me life lessons that helped me find my way,” explained Hasenzahl.
Hasenzahl has gone on to find success as a software engineer for Blumira, a cloud-based security, information, and event management platform. When reflecting back on her time on campus, Hasenzahl highlights the people and leadership skills she developed while working at East Campus as key components of her personal and professional growth, which have allowed her to flourish in her career today.
“I have had my manager tell me that the skills I bring to a group are different from other colleagues,” explained Hasenzahl. “Learning how to work with groups, developing people skills, it translates directly into what I am doing today in my career. I am constantly collaborating with people and groups, understanding each person in the group, and helping to get everyone on the same page, so we can ultimately achieve the group’s desired goals. Those skills were developed greatly because of the opportunities I had being a part of East Campus.”
Hasenzahl’s journey to becoming a group facilitator at East Campus started in the fall of 2010. At the beginning of her sophomore year, she was able to take part in a facilitation course training led by Director of East Campus and Outdoor Programs Ben Taylor '99, G'15, and Associate Director of East Campus and Outdoor Programs Angela Veatch, G’07. The teaching prepares students to serve as a ropes course facilitators for groups that take advantage of the team-building programs that East Campus provides. As Hasenzahl continued to gain more experience as a group facilitator and grow in her role at East Campus, she was presented with more and more personal growth opportunities.
“One of the proudest moments I had was earning the trust of Ben (Taylor) and (Angela) Veatch, when they offered me a set of keys to East Campus and allowed me to assist with visiting groups that would utilize the building and grounds. It was an honor that they trusted me to take on that responsibility, and it was something that I took very seriously,” explained Hasenzahl.
Hasenzahl’s affinity for East Campus started when she first arrived on Alden Street in the fall of 2009. Hasenzahl knew Springfield College was the right place for her, and by using the experiences she cherished at East Campus, she was able to make a seamless transition from the Physical Education program, into the Recreation Management program.
“There is no question in my mind that the experiences I received at East Campus helped shift me into a direction that just felt right for me in regards to the career path I wanted to take,” explained Hasenzahl. “I have always enjoyed the outdoors, and I quickly knew that East Campus was a very comfortable space for me at the College.”
Hasenzahl’s introduction to East Campus came at the start of her first year when she participated in Pre-Camp. This experience only solidified her passion for the outdoors, so by the end of year one, Hasenzahl couldn’t wait to spend a week living at East Campus as part of Outdoor Pursuits.
“For me, I was really excited to take part in Outdoor Pursuits, because I grew up camping, and I just love the outdoors,” explained Hasenzahl. “The rewarding part of Outdoor Pursuits is connecting with individuals, and witnessing how some people start to realize they have a passion for new experiences that they didn’t expect to have at the start of the program. The lessons you learn by working as a group, and challenging yourself with so much support around you, it really makes the Outdoor Pursuits experience so special. My sophomore through senior year, I had the opportunity to work with Professor Ted France ’91, G’93, in his unit, and he is one of the best at working with a group and keeping it fun, but also pulling the group in to focus when there is a learning moment to share. I was able to watch and learn from him. He makes the experience very enjoyable, and everyone respects him.”
Following Outdoor Pursuits, Hasenzahl spent the summer months working as a camp counselor for Camp Massasoit. She served as both a camp counselor working with youth groups on-site, while also transitioning into a counselor role that helped lead the adventure group’s day trips.
“Thinking back at these great experiences, working together with people, it was preparing me for future success,” described Hasenzahl. “Learning how to adapt on the fly, how to work with the team to achieve a common goal, learning how to pivot when an idea didn’t have the desired outcome, these are all skills that have allowed me to raise my level as an employee in the workplace today.”
And because of the impact that East Campus has played in her life, Hasenzahl will always remain committed to paying it forward, and giving back, so the next generation of students can benefit from a one-of-kind-learning environment.
“There is no better place to learn and grow than being at East Campus,” explained Hasenzahl. “The support I received from Ben (Taylor) and (Angela) Veatch has been so impactful on my life and career. The environment is so supportive, and you just don’t get that everywhere. I will always feel really connected to East Campus. The experiences I had there and the staff had such an impact on my life. I want to help other people have those same experiences. The culture at East Campus is something that makes Springfield College standout from other Colleges. It will always be special to me.”