Explanation of goals and vision for the #SCvotes | Springfield

Explanation of goals and vision for the #SCvotes

Explanation of goals and vision for the #SCvotes

BE SURE TO VOTE! The Springfield College 20/20 Vision Program, sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, has been an ongoing program on the campus that has been designed to build awareness and prepare first time and returning voters for the presidential election in 2020. At left, students Charisse Del Vecchio and Marcelino Diaz help organize the voter registration during an event in the fall of 2019. 


Explanation of goals and vision for the #SCvotes

The Springfield College campus community is committed to making sure the student population gets out there and votes during this election season with the #SCvotes campaign.

Are you ready to vote? 

The groups on the campus like the Graduate Student Organization, Men of Excellence, Athletics, and Office of Multicultural Affairs, are collaborating to make sure the #SCvotes campaign will spread voting information to the student body.

Starting immediately, there will be an upcoming video series where Springfield College students talk about why it's important to vote.

Be on the lookout for outdoor registration booths on the campus with QR codes and forms for voter registration being available, as well as giveaways.

Voter Registration Deadlines

Voter registration deadlines are fast approaching! Registering to vote remotely can take SEVERAL WEEKS and sometimes there are setbacks along the way.

You must:

1. Send in registration application (with copies of ID, depending on state)

2. Get approved as a registered voter  

3. Request absentee ballot (unless you plan to vote in person)

4. Send absentee ballot 

5. Ensure your absentee ballot gets to your town clerk

2020 Vision Virtual Voter Registration Booths

        Oct 7, 2020 05:00 PM
        Oct 21, 2020 05:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 973 6595 8911

Election Follow Up Community Meeting: a Space for Dialogue, Processing, and Support 
       Nov 4, 2020 05:00 PM 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 910 9922 8326

Power the Polls

America is facing a record shortage of poll workers this year due to the coronavirus. Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure elections run smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. You can make sure we have a safe, fair, efficient election for all. https://www.powerthepolls.org/signup#form

If you would like to vote in another state where you have a permanent address, find your state and register here: https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state 

Many, but not all, states allow you to register online (the above link will tell you if your state is one of them) and then you may request an absentee ballot in order to vote from campus. The above link will also provide you with access to requesting your absentee ballot.   

For more information about the online voter registration process, recent legislation and privacy, read here: https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electronic-or-online-voter-registration.aspx

Even if you are already registered, requesting and sending your absentee ballot can take a while. Request your absentee ballot now to ensure you have plenty of time:


Even if you think you are registered, check to make sure. Check if you are registered here: https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote/voter-registration-status

If you are a Massachusetts resident and you have a Massachusetts Driver's license, you can register here: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/ 

Maybe you feel like you need to learn more about the candidates and the issues to make an informed voting decision. 

To learn more about the candidate’s stance on issues go here: https://www.procon.org/

To learn more about the candidates, go here: https://votesmart.org/galaxy/#/

If you are interested in a voter registration form in a language other than English, please see other language options here: https://www.eac.gov/voters/national-mail-voter-registration-form 



To ensure your absentee ballot has been received by your town clerk check here:



If you are looking for other ways to participate in the democratic process, try here:


If your state does not allow online registration, or if you prefer snail mail, you may download this form to mail in your registration: https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/Federal_Voter_Registration_ENG.pdf

If your state does not allow online registration, or if you prefer snail mail, you may download this form to mail in your registration: https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/Federal_Voter_Registration_ENG.pdf