Graduate Student Organization PRIDE talks Highlighted Speakers

Graduate Student Organization PRIDE talks Highlighted Speakers

The "PRIDE talks" initiative was started by Springfield College Graduate Student Organization with a mission of highlighting graduate students, and their projects and ideas during the academic year.

The "PRIDE talks" initiative was started by the Springfield College Graduate Student Organization with a mission of highlighting graduate students, and their projects and ideas during the academic year. At left, graduate students Jennifer Higgins, Charisse DelVecchio, Luke Pelton, and Jennifer Blanchette.


The "PRIDE talks" initiative was started by the Springfield College Graduate Student Organization with a mission of highlighting graduate students, and their projects and ideas during the academic year. "PRIDE talks" initiatives are focused on research innovation design and education. Highlighted below are the 2020-21 academic year featured speakers.

Name: Jennifer Higgins

Major: Master of Business Administration

Topic: CommonWealth GrantWorks

"We provide direct contributions of supplies, equipment, or funding to persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities to aid in employment and entrepreneurial pursuits of their choosing."

Name: Jennifer Blanchette

Major: Social Work

Topic: Shame

"As humans we are hardwired for connection. When we feel unworthy of that connection it creates a shameful experience within ourselves."

Name: Charisse DelVecchio

Major: Doctor of Psychology

Topic: The Punitive Impulse

"I believe the events of our history... have called upon us to urgently reconsider our opinions about punishment."

Name: Luke Pelton

Major: Exercise Physiology

Topic: Space Physiology

"How do we keep humans safely in space for longer? We believe that the answer is found here: In genetics."