Physician Assistant White Coat Ceremony for Class of 2023

The Springfield College Physician Assistant Program hosted the annual White Coat Ceremony on the campus on Reed Green on Friday, Oct. 8, 2021. The White Coat Ceremony commemorates the formal presentation of the white lab coat for physician assistant students as they begin working with patients in hospitals.
The Springfield College Physician Assistant Program hosted the annual White Coat Ceremony on the campus on Reed Green on Friday, Oct. 8, 2021. The White Coat Ceremony commemorates the formal presentation of the white lab coat for physician assistant students as they begin working with patients in hospitals.
PA White Coat Ceremony for Class of 2023 Photo Gallery
PA Students Enjoying Team-Building Exercises at East Campus Photo Gallery
Students from the Class of 2023 officially received their white lab coats in a ceremony that included a family member or mentor of the student's choice, presenting them with their coat.
Master of Ceremonies and Springfield College Physician Assistant Program Director Meghan Migeon, DMSc MS, PA-C officially welcomed Springfield College President Mary-Beth A. Cooper, PhD, DM to welcome all the students and their families and friends.
Keynote Speaker Christopher Caissie, MS, PA-C was followed by Assistant Professor Loni Kearney, MS, PA-C in leading the recognition of candidates, which included Class of 2023 members:
Hannah Calabrese, Kathryn Campbell, Nicholas Coman, Bianca Culhane, Dina Dahdul, Madeline Fay, Kyle Fernandez, Allynna Grills, Anna Kaletina, Riyana Khalifa, Gabrielle LeBeau, Ellie Lohnes, Damian Mackay-Morgan, Aqsa Maham, Lindsay McGowan, Leah Mills, Mackenzie Morris, and Aliza Moye.
In addition, Taylor Nogiec, Kirsten Oliver, Garrett Ossolinski, Ryan Pelton, MaryKate Pestana, April Phelps, Isabelle Ripp, Alison Rushlow, Ashley Rouleau, Christy Russo, Emma Shea, Victoria Skonieczny, Kyle Surprenant, Abigail Tantorski, Alina Thopurathu, Devan Valdes, Kimone Walker, and Kimiko Wysocki.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the physician assistant students take the Physician Assistant Professional Oath:
Physician Assistant Professional Oath
I pledge to perform the following duties with honesty and dedication:
I will hold as my primary responsibility the health, safety, welfare and dignity of all human beings
I will uphold the tenets of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice
I will recognize and promote the value of diversity
I will treat all persons who seek my care
I will hold in confidence the information shared in the course of practicing medicine
I will assess my personal capabilities and limitations, striving always to improve my medical practice
I will actively seek to expand my knowledge and skills, keeping abreast of advances in medicine
I will work with other members of the health care team to provide compassionate and effective care of patients
I will use my knowledge and experience to contribute to an improved community
I will respect my professional relationship with the physician
I will share and expand knowledge within the profession
These duties are pledged with sincerity and upon my honor.