Springfield College Dedicates the John M. Wilson Lounge

Springfield College Dedicates the John M. Wilson Lounge



Springfield College recently hosted A Celebration of Life for John M. Wilson, assistant dean of students and director of the Multicultural Affairs Center, who passed away Feb. 13. Following a ceremony in Marsh Memorial Chapel, the John M. Wilson Lounge was unveiled in the Flynn Campus Union.  At left, Linghao Kong, Alex Martin, Mary Lou (Hansberry) Wilson, Chanise Buggs, and Keith Moore celebrate the new lounge. 

John M. Wilson Memorial Services:

Invocation: Nathanael Harris

Welcome: Theresa Vecchio, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Opening Remarks: Martin Dobrow, Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics

Reflection: Mulugeta Agonafer

Musical Interlude: Carmen Oyola Callender

Scripture Reading: David McMahon, Director of Spiritual Life

Reflection: Johnny D. Jones, President, Little Priest College

Reflection: Terry Powe, Principal, Elias Brookings School

Musical Interlude: Carmen Oyola Callender

Wilson's Legacy: Ashley Icesis Glover

Benediction: Nathanael Harris