Springfield College Friends in Humanics Scholarship Continues to Assist Students

Emeritus Professor Peter Polito, center, with Friends in Humanics Scholarship recipients Emma Rodjenski, left, and Nicole Gauthier, right.
By: Damon Markiewicz
The Distinguished Springfield Professors of Humanics, both past and present, along with the help of current faculty, staff, alumni, and a matching gift from President Mary-Beth A. Cooper, PhD, DM, and Dave Cooper, helped raise more $30,000 for the annual Friends in Humanics Scholarship. Once again, all of the funds raised directly benefit deserving Springfield College students.
On Thursday, April 18, 2024, six students were presented with their financial awards at the annual Humanics Lecture in the Fuller Arts Center. Student awardees have demonstrated financial need, academic scholarship, campus leadership, care and concern for community, and embodiment of our Humanics philosophy. The most recent recipients were:
Katherine Calderon, Class of 2024, Health Sciences Major.
Mackenzie Ritchie, Class of 2025, Psychology Major.
Hayden Cheever, Class of 2026, Physical Education and Health education Major.
Haley Marino, Class of 2026, Education Major.
Natalya Tirkot, Class of 2026, Biology Major.
Kyla Henderson, Class of 2026, Social Work Major.
The majority of the Friends in Humanics Scholarship funds are raised at two successful Taste of Humanics fundraisers during the academic year, one in the fall at East Campus, and a second event in the Springfield College Museum in the spring. All proceeds from both events go directly to the scholarship, which is completely funded by faculty, staff, alumni, and annual distributions from the Peter and Claire Polito Friends in Humanics Scholarship Endowed Fund. Attendees at both events enjoyed delicious wines and tasty foods courtesy of Dave Boyle '83, Harvest Table, and the Office of Development.
“This scholarship is all about helping students. They are the constant on our campus,” said Emeritus Professor Peter Polito, who initiated the Friends in Humanics Scholarship while serving as the 1998-99 Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics. “This scholarship is about the employees of Springfield College making sure we take care of our students.”
During the most recent Taste of Humanics fundraiser on March 28, 2024, a pair of scholarship recipients were able to express how much the financial assistance has benefitted them both as students. Emma Rodjenski, a junior in the Physical Therapy program, and Nicole Cadieux, a senior in the Occupational Therapy program, were the night’s keynote speakers.
“The Friends in Humanics Scholarship provided me the opportunity to find my purpose on campus, and I feel honored to be surrounded by a community that prioritizes helping and supporting others,” explained Rodjenski. “Because of the Friends in Humanics Scholarship, I have the opportunity to connect with the fantastic alumni, who praise Springfield and share their memories.”
Cadieux has also flourished in the Springfield College culture, an environment that has allowed her to become the very best version of herself, as she starts to prepare for graduate school following graduation.
“I have been fortunate enough to receive the Friends in Humanics Scholarship, which has enabled me to afford crucial expenses like housing and tuition during my time at Springfield College,” explained Cadieux. “This has allowed me to pursue my education, and explore my passions. Additionally, it has provided me with opportunities to make a positive impact on my community through leadership positions in programs such as New Student Orientation, The Partners Program, and Best Buddies.”
The Friends in Humanics Scholarship continues to help Springfield College scholars realize their dreams of graduating from Springfield College, and carrying the Humanics philosophy into the world. Since 1999, employees of the College have had the opportunity to support this scholarship, with more than 130 students receiving awards.
“I want to say thank you to everyone who supports the Friends in Humanics scholarship, especially our Distinguished Springfield Professors of Humanics and President Cooper,” added Polito. “It’s special to watch our current students achieve their academic dreams. I am thrilled we can continue to help our students each and every year.”