Springfield College Helps Shape Beautiful Life Together

Springfield College Helps Shape Beautiful Life Together

Laura and Kent Sampson

For Laura Howe Sampson ’72, left, and Kent W. Sampson ’71, G,’78, right, their shared experiences at Springfield College ended up blossoming into a wonderful life together.


By: Damon Markiewicz

For Kent W. Sampson ’71, G,’78, and Laura Howe Sampson ’72, their shared experiences at Springfield College ended up blossoming into a wonderful life together. Their values are rooted in our Humanics philosophy, and the couple remains committed to making sure future generations of students enjoy the same opportunities they enjoyed on Alden Street.

“Our story together really took shape after our time at Springfield College, but because we had so many mutual friends as students, we really became good friends during our time at Springfield College,” explained Kent. “We have enjoyed many wonderful memories together that stem from the connections we made at Springfield College.”

For a quarter of century as a couple, Kent and Laura have remained committed to giving back to the College and continue to make SC a priority. Specifically, they are members of the David Allen Reed Society, one of our leadership giving societies. They are also members of our 1885 Society, which recognizes and honors donors who have included the College in their financial and/or estate plans. Their support to both of these areas are critical in continuing to move the mission of Springfield College forward and impact our students. 

“We believe in philanthropy and the positive impact it can have on others,” explained Kent. “It’s all about relationships. We will always be willing to contribute because we feel connected with the people at the College.”

For both Laura and Kent, even though they had different paths to enrolling at the College, they have always shared a common passion, and that is their love for the outdoors being a part of summer camp.

“I can honestly say growing up, attending summer camp was something I really lived for,” explained Laura. “Camp is just a very special place for me, and from a young age, it led me down a path to what I wanted to study in college.”

When it came time in Laura’s life to make that jump into higher education, her focus was on Community and Outdoor Recreation, and there were multiple schools that would catch her attention. With that said, her instincts would lead her to a choice of making Springfield College her home for the next four years.

“The one thing that really stands out when thinking back, and it shouldn’t be a surprise because it’s right in the mission of the College, but I was so appreciative that Springfield College saw me as a whole person,” described Laura. “The College helped me reach my potential on many levels.”

The environment at Springfield College was the perfect balance for Laura. She was allowed to continue her exploration of loving the outdoors, while building life-long friendships during her time as a residence assistant. The style of learning she would experience on campus would also set her up for a successful transition into her professional career following graduation.

“I was very much an experiential learner, and the classes at Springfield College only fostered my creativity,” explained Laura. “The faculty on campus gave me the confidence to be ok with myself with being creative. In addition, the people skills I learned at Springfield prepared me perfectly with the jobs I would have later on. The people skills I was able to sharpen as a student were transferable to multiple careers. I have always been very proud to say I went to Springfield College.”

For Kent, his vision to be a history teacher, while also having a strong background volunteering for the YMCA, led him to a natural fit on Alden Street.

“I knew pretty early on during my high school years that I wanted to teach history or work for the YMCA,” explained Kent. “I knew Springfield College had a good Education program, and it was also one of the only schools with ties to the YMCA, so Springfield College was my top choice.”

Once he arrived on campus, a heavy involvement in co-curriculars was a major priority for Kent. Similar to Laura, Kent strived for a well-balanced education that would capture what he was learning in the classroom, and have those skills make an impact in programs outside of the classroom.

“I liked very much having the opportunities to be a part of leadership opportunities as a student,” explained Kent. “That was huge for me in my growth. I was able to lead Parents Weekend, I was president of the Student Activities Board, I got involved in the Student Government Association, I was on the Leadership Training Conference committee, and I was a leader with Pre-Camp. All of these experiences outside of the classroom just prepared me very well for the experiences that would come up in the future.”

Following graduation, Kent would start his teaching career in Enfield, Conn., where he would educate students for the next 11 years until an opportunity presented itself to be a part of the YMCA.

“When I had to let the school system know I was going to be leaving to take the job at the YMCA, the individual who hired me told me that he knew I was destined to go work for the YMCA,” explained Kent. “I was volunteering at different YMCA locations at a very young age, so there was no question that I always had a determination to work for the YMCA as a professional.”

For the next 20-plus years, Kent would move up the ranks within the YMCA system. As part of the YMCA, Kent was able to follow his strong passion for being involved in summer camp programming, and helping lead camp services and youth programs at multiple YMCA locations.

“For me, there has always been no better feeling than attending summer camp,” explained Kent. “To be able to help run summer camps for the YMCA was something I really loved to do. Having the skills to work with adult volunteers, and work with young individuals, and try and bring people together to rally around a common goal, those are skills that were fostered at Springfield College.”

And when asked “What makes Springfield College special to them?,” it’s always been tough for Kent and Laura to find the correct words to properly answer that question.

“When I worked with families at the YMCA, I had a tough time describing what summer camp would be like because I believe you really have to feel it to understand it,” described Kent. “Being a student at Springfield College is very similar, it’s really difficult to explain to someone what makes the College special because you need to experience it to appreciate it.”

When Laura reminisces about her time on Alden Street, she appreciates the fact that the campus provided her a way to be comfortable with who she is, and her education set her up to have many friendships that helped shape her as a person.

“The heart and soul of the campus is really about people,” described Laura. “The connections we made at Springfield go way beyond the classroom. Many years later as Springfield College alumni, we continue to find that people truly care about each other, encouraged while we were at the College, and these are feelings that stay with us today.”

For Kent, he strongly encourages anyone interested in enrolling at Springfield College to truly take advantage of everything the College has to offer.

“I believe so much in the importance of education that takes place outside of the classroom, and I was fortunate to have so many important faculty members who helped me take what I was learning in class, and implement it outside of the classroom setting,” described Kent.

Similar to Kent, Laura appreciates the impact the College had on her as a student, and how it set her up to live a life filled with great friendships, and a focus of helping others.

“I tell people all the time that I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my experiences at Springfield College,” explained Laura. “At the end of the day, it’s about people and it’s about relationships that are built on trust. Kent and I continue to feel connected with the College we love so much, and we truly love helping support the next generation of students. Just like we would always tell families about being a part of summer camp, when you experience Springfield College, you get a feeling that is tough to describe, but it’s a feeling of knowing you made the correct decision.”