Springfield College Hosts Film Event Honoring Lasting Legacy of

Springfield College Hosts Film Event Honoring Lasting Legacy of Title IX



Springfield College hosted a film event honoring the lasting legacy of Title IX on Monday, March 10, in the Fuller Arts Center.  The evening was part of the 2014 spring schedule for the William Simpson Fine Arts Series. 

The film, Sporting Chance: The Lasting Legacy of Title IX, was narrated by Holly Hunter and provided a dramatic portrayal of the need, process, and achievements of Title IX, the key legislation designed to equalize the playing field for women and men in sports.

Following the film, a panel of Springfield College teachers-coaches discussed Title IX and its effect on the College and beyond.  The panel included Director of Athletics and Physical Education Instructor Cathie Schweitzer, Professor and Chair of the Physical Education and Health Education Department Kathy Mangano, and Associate Professor of Physical Education and Head Women’s Basketball Coach Naomi Graves.

The documentary featured thousands of NCAA student-athletes, fans, and athletic stars including three-time Olympic gold medalist Donna de Varona, tennis champion Billie Jean King, World Cup soccer champion Julie Foudy, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  The film also featured “The Father of Title IX,” former U.S. Senator Birch Bayh from Indiana.

The program was co-sponsored by the 2013-14 Distinguished Springfield Professor of Humanics Carol Mitchell and the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Women’s Varsity Athletics at Springfield College Committee.