Top Five Reasons to Study Religion at Springfield College
- Studying religion might make you happier.
Taking religion courses is a chance to figure out why people are religious and participate in religious practices. A recent study found that Americans—regardless of which religion they practice—are quite likely to pray when they have to make decisions. It also turns out that Americans who belong to a religious organization tend to be happier with their lives, even though it doesn’t make them any more likely to recycle or exercise. A minor in religion is a chance to explore why religion matters to people. - Studying religion helps you understand different cultures.
Ever seen a man wearing a turban? Ever wondered why some food at your grocery store is marked “Kosher”? Ever notice the variety of churches in your neighborhood? Ever read a newspaper story about a new temple in town? Religion surrounds our daily lives and studying types of religion can help you understand many types of differences that are visible all around you. - Studying religion increases your understanding of global complexity.
When he was Secretary of State, John Kerry remarked, “[I]f I went back to college today, I think I would probably major in comparative religion because that’s how integrated [religion] is in everything that we are working on and deciding and thinking about in life today.” International, national, and local politics are affected by religious ideas and religious sentiments. Estimates suggest that close to 85 percent of people in the world adhere to some sort of religious tradition or practice. To study religion is to delve into how religion interacts with all of these facets of our world. - Studying religion increases cultural awareness.
Religion and culture are two topics that are intertwined. Around the globe, human history has been impacted by religious ideas, religious institutions, religious art, religious laws, and religious commitments. Being able to understand key concepts in the major religions of the world develops you as a more broadly educated citizen, whatever your career path. - Studying religion can improve your job prospects.
Earning a minor in religion at Springfield College will assure that you have critical thinking skills, an ability to appreciate diversity, and a willingness to have your own ideas challenged. These are the kinds of skills that employers are looking for. Recent studies have found that 73 percent of employers are looking for students who are able to think critically and use tools of analytic reasoning. Almost 80 percent of employers preferred job candidates who are knowledgeable about global issues. A minor in religion prepares you for the 21st-century job market.
Employers who are looking for applicants with knowledge of global issues, like religion

People in the world who adhere to a religious practice or tradition