Title IX Office at Springfield College
Title IX Coordinator: Erin Leeper, director of non-discrimination initiatives/Title IX administrator & 504 Coordinator; 263 Alden Street Springfield, MA 01109, (413) 748-3248
The Title IX Coordinator oversees the College’s response to sexual violence, discrimination, and harassment, ensuring that all investigations and grievance procedures are completed in a timely, accurate, thorough, and impartial manner. The Coordinator also provides annual and ongoing training and prevention education to the campus community that complies with Title IX, the Clery Act, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and the MA Campus Sexual Assault Law.
The Deputy Title IX Coordinators serve as campus resources for inquires about sexual and gender-based misconduct, including sexual violence and gender equity, and provide feedback and suggestions to the Title IX Coordinator for policy revisions. The Deputy Coordinators do not serve as investigators or decision makers for complaints.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for students: Sue Nowlan, dean of students; Office of Student Affairs, Campus Union Suite 325, (413) 748-3922
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Pregnancy/Parenting Concerns and for Online Students: Camille Elliott, associate director, student services, Academic Success Center, Learning Commons 3rd Floor, (413) 748-3978
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics: Michelle Lee Scecina, assistant athletic director, Physical Education Complex Athletic Office, (413) 748-3334
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for employees: Director of Human Resources, Administration Building (second floor), (413) 748-3195