How to Register | Springfield College

Registration is easy.

Rope course

Registration Information

Registration for RETURNING Campers

  • Opens on April 1 at 9:00 a.m.

Registration for NEW Campers 

  • Opens on April 3 at 9:00 a.m.

Register Here

Registration To Do List

  1. If you are a new family, you must create a household account. Be sure to then add all the members of your household into the account. We recommend, to save time, that you create your household account prior to registration opening.
  2. Select your session(s) for each child you are registering and complete the checkout process.
  3. Once you have registered, the system will send you a confirmation email. Please double check your confirmation email to ensure you registered your child(ren) for the right sessions.
  4. Download the Camp Massasoit Parent Information Packet, as well as the required forms located under the Camp Forms page to complete the registration process.
  5. Fill out the required forms and mail them to the office by June 1.
  6. Pay any outstanding balances by June 1. You can make payments prior to that date. 

2025 Day Camp Registration Fees and Dates

Session 1:  June 23 - July 3 (No camp on July 4) – $575 
Session 2: July 7 - July 18 – $600 
Session 3: July 21 - August 1 –  $600
Session 4: August 4 - August 15 – $600

Additional Registration Information

Payment Information

  • All payments will occur online with a minimum of a 50 percent deposit required at the time of registration.
  • All outstanding balances are due NO later than June 1, otherwise, a $75 late fee will be added to each account for all sessions with outstanding balances.
  • To make a payment for an outstanding balance, log into your account and click on "My Account."
  • Further billing and refund information is available in the Camp Massasoit Parent Information Packet.

Age Requirements

In order to be enrolled in any of our camps, your child must be that age on the first day of the session you are requesting. For example, if your child has a friend in the 9-10 age group, but your child turns 9 on the second day of the session, they can only register for the 7-8 age group. If you are requesting day camp for your child, they must be at least 5 on the first day of the session you wish them to be enrolled in. There are no exceptions. If your child does not meet the age eligibility requirement for the session they are enrolled in, Camp Massasoit reserves the right to withdraw that camper.

Splitting Sessions

No camper is allowed to split sessions. If you choose to enroll your child in a session but only send them to one week of that session, that is allowed, but it will not be prorated.

Confirming Enrollment

After you register your child, you will receive a confirmation email. We recommend that you save the email(s) until your child begins the session(s) they is registered for. If you accidentally enrolled your child in the wrong session, please see the section below regarding how to withdraw your child from a session.

Switching Sessions

If your summer plans have changed and you need to switch your child out of their current session and into a different one, a fee of $50 will be assessed. Switching into a different session can only occur if space is still available in the desired session. Please contact the camp office to begin the process; however, written documentation via email will be required.

Withdrawing from a Session

If you need to withdraw your child from a session, please email There is a $100 non-refundable fee for withdrawing from a session. Additionally, if you request to withdraw fewer than two weeks from the start of camp, there is no refund. If applicable, you should receive a refund check within two to three weeks of submitting your drop request. See our refund policy in the Camp Massasoit Parent Information Packet.

Waitlist Information

If a session is full, you can select the option to place your child on a waitlist. If a slot becomes available, we will contact you via email. Once you have been notified, you will have 24 hours to accept the slot via email. Please note that no waitlist acceptance can be made verbally. If you do not accept it within the 24-hour timeframe, the slot may no longer be available to your child.

Financial Assistance


There are two scholarships available for individuals 5-13 years of age that cover the tuition cost of one day camp session. The Camp Massasoit Sargeant Scholarships are made possible by the generous donation from Pat Sargeant, whose parents played an integral role in the early development of Camp Massasoit. In order to qualify for this scholarship, an application form must be submitted and all requirements within the application must be met. Applications are due March 30. 

 Sargeant Scholarship Form

Financial Support

Through the generous support of various donations, we are fortunate to be able to offer financial assistance for a portion of a child’s registration fee. In order to seek assistance, you must submit the financial request form. We cannot guarantee all requests will be supported. Funds will be dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis. Once we receive a request form, you will be notified within a few days if you have been granted assistance and the amount to be granted.

Financial Aid Request Form

Other Important Information

This camp complies with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and is licensed by the local board of health. Massachusetts State Law requires documentation of a medical exam completed within two years of camp attendance. There are no exceptions!

Please feel free to contact the Camp Massasoit staff with any questions at (413) 748-4020.