Career Planning and Major Exploration | Springfield College

Weather Alert

With the impending winter storm expected to bring ice and snow during both the morning and afternoon commutes, the Springfield College main campus will operate remotely on Thursday, February 6, 2025 to keep our community safe and allow our facilities and campus safety staff to clear parking lots, sidewalks, and to prepare the campus to reopen on Friday. 

The Campus Union, Dunkin, and The Table @Cheney will maintain their normal hours of operation; Starbucks will be closed. The Wellness Center will be open from 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; there will be no Group Exercise classes. The Counseling Center and the Health Center will be closed and not available for walk-in appointments. Please contact Public Safety at (413) 748-5555 for counseling or medical emergencies.

Career Counseling

The Springfield College Career Center is committed to providing effective career planning and advising. The Career Center has an exceptional staff of professional counselors to assist you in your career decision-making. If you are trying to decide on a major, choosing a career, or making other career-related decisions, we encourage you to speak with a career counselor who specializes in your area(s) of interest. All scheduled appointments are an hour length to provide ample opportunity for career exploration and planning.

Career counseling involves students meeting with a counselor to discuss career related issues such as selecting a major, changing a major, exploring career related options, pursuit of co-op or internship and exploring graduate school. Career counseling occasionally requires multiple sessions (three to four), where the counselor will work with you in assessing interest, skills, values, and other considerations affecting career decision making.

The Career Center offers individualized career counseling and advising by scheduled appointments and walk-ins.


To schedule an appointment with a counselor in your area of specialization, please call (413) 748-3222 or stop down at the Career Center located on the main level of the Flynn Campus Union.