Physical Education, PhD Learning Outcomes | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Physical Education, PhD Learning Outcomes

Goal 1:  Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to consume, design, evaluate, apply, and conduct rigorous research in the field.

  • SLO 1 : Describe and implement various research designs and analytical techniques;

  • SLO 2 : Conduct a systematic review on a line of research relevant to the field with applications to meaningful contexts such as schools and community agencies; 

  • SLO 3 : Design an original research study that gains approval through the Institutional Review Board;

  • SLO 4 : Conduct a dissertation consisting of original research with applications to meaningful contexts in the field;

  • SLO 5 : Present and defend a completed dissertation orally with visual aids in a professional manner.

Goal 2: Graduates will be able to demonstrate and apply content knowledge in: Physical Education Teacher Education OR Administration, a specialized area (Cognate), and Teaching in Higher Education;

  • SLO 6 : Conduct a systematic review on a line of research in physical education teacher education, administration, or a cognate area with applications to meaningful contexts such as schools and community agencies;

  • SLO 7 : Describe various curriculum models and align instruction and assessment to maximize student engagement and learning;

  • SLO 8 : Demonstrate knowledge of current issues in teaching in higher education and apply knowledge to improve teaching and learning.

Goal 3: Graduates will be able to demonstrate skills necessary to gain employment in academia and/or settings relevant to physical education.

  • SLO 9 : Conduct a dissertation consisting of original research with applications to meaningful contexts in the field;
  • SLO 10 : Present and defend a completed dissertation orally with visual aids in a professional manner;
  • SLO 11 : Create evidence of scholarship, service, and teaching skills to position themselves as applied scholars in the field of physical education.