Clinical Exercise Physiology Outcomes, Careers, and Internships

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Clinical Exercise Physiology Outcomes, Careers, and Internships

Springfield College Post-Graduation Outcomes

In a recent survey of 2023-24 graduates, 100% of graduates who responded from the Clinical Exercise Physiology program reported being employed. 

Employers and Job Titles

This program is designed to prepare students to become entry-level clinical exercise physiologists. The jobs that students get upon graduation range from positions in cardiac rehabilitation, stress testing, and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Here is a sampling of our past graduates employers and job titles.

Company NameJob TitleLocation
Baystate Medical CenterCardiac RehabilitationWestfield, MA
IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer CenterClinical Research SpecialistIndianapolis, IN
Brigham and Women's HospitalExercise PhysiologistBoston, MA
Fairview HospitalCo-Director Cardiac Rehab ProgramGreat Barrington, MA
Newton Wellesley HospitalExercise PhysiologistNewton, MA
St. Joseph's HospitalExercise PhysiologistDenver, CO


Each student in the Clinical Exercise Physiology program is required to complete 600 internship hours in approved settings under the supervision of clinical professionals. Students are expected to spend time in cardiac, pulmonary, metabolic, and musculoskeletal settings.

Students have the opportunity to complete their internships at a variety of settings throughout the country. Each student is also required to complete either a thesis or an independent study focused on a topic that is relevant to the clinical exercise physiologist. One aim of our program is to help students complete projects they can present at least at a regional conference. Students are assisted in the research process by faculty.

Both the internship hours and the research requirement enable students to get practical hands-on experience working with patients performing exercise tests and creating exercise programs.

Human Performance Lab

Our Human Performance Lab provides a research space for students and faculty members to be innovative, to discover, and to make a difference. Experiential learning comes to life in this environment, and you can be part of it.

A student stands by a computer while a participant rides a stationary bike.