- Be adequately prepared to take and pass national certification examinations.
- Be adequately prepared to fulfill assigned roles during internships and upon employment.
- Possess the following specific learning outcomes related to the field of strength and conditioning:
- Knowledge and understanding of the physiological adaptations to resistance training and movement training.
- Skills to perform a wide variety of resistance training, medicine ball, balance, plyometric, and linear and lateral movement exercises.
- Ability to properly critique athletes during performance of a variety of resistance training, medicine ball, balance, plyometric, and linear and lateral movement exercises.
- Ability to explain the role of muscle physiology, bioenergetics, metabolic specificity, hormonal responses, and gender and individual differences in the overall development of strength and conditioning programs.
- Develop skills needed to design, evaluate and implement programs for developing strength, power, speed, conditioning and flexibility.
- Ability to critique and apply various periodization models.
- Development of a personal philosophy of strength and conditioning.
- Ability to apply theories of speed-agility-quickness development to a real world setting.
- Understanding of new trends and issues in strength and conditioning.
- Ability to develop strength and conditioning programs for individuals with physical disabilities and chronic conditions.
- Ability to logically progress and implement research