Social Work Learning Outcomes | Springfield College

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Social Work Learning Outcomes

Goal 1: Acquire substantive theoretical knowledge and analytical skills pertaining to social work practice in its broadest sense at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice.

  • SLO 1: CSWE Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Collect, organize, and interpret client data
    • Develop mutually agreed upon intervention goals and objectives
    • Assess complex problems with systems of all sizes and types
    • Identify the range of legalities and/or legal risks that may exist for a client or client system that may be considering accessing social services
  • SLO 2: CSWE Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Facilitate transitions and endings
    • Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions
    • Evaluate complex problems with systems of all sizes and types
    • Synthesize and apply a broad range of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills consistent with current evidence informed practice

Goal 2: Integrate social work values, ethical principles, and standards relative to clients, agencies and organizations, the social work profession, and society in general.

  • SLO 3: CSWE Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
    • Employ (models) conscious use of self, self-reflection, self-monitoring, and self-correction in practice
    • Model professional demeanor in behavior and written and oral communications
    • Articulate the mission of social work to multiple constituencies
    • Consistently adhere to and model professional roles and boundaries
    • Articulate and advocate social work values and ethics among interdisciplinary situations and settings
    • Conduct oneself ethically and engage in ethical decision-making using different approaches and strategies, e.g., moral reasoning, cultural perspective, professionalism in research and practice
    • Apply appropriate social work values to resolve ethical issues
    • Analyze and communicate professional judgments, reasoning, and process in practice
  • SLO 4: CSWE Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
    • Engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice in agencies and organizations
    • Incorporate an understanding of regional and global interconnections of oppression and applies this understanding to social work practice
    • Take action to redress mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
    • Embrace the obligation to advance human rights and foster social, economic, and environmental justice
    • Engage in community collaborations that foster social, economic, and environmental justice and social change

Goal 3: Develop a special sensitivity to the struggles of vulnerable populations which includes an understanding of the dynamics of oppression and issues pertaining to cultural diversity.

  • SLO 5: CSWE Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
    • Transform one’s behavior in response to a recognition of one’s biases based in difference and culture
    • Apply an understanding of privilege and power within an anti-oppressive practice
    • Consistently recognize and describe the impact of culture and diversity on one’s personal and professional behavior
    • Modify and adapt mainstream interventions to meet needs of diverse populations and that challenge oppression
    • Actively promote opportunities for diverse perspectives and participation of diverse constituents
  • SLO 6: CSWE Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
    • Articulate the impact of policies on service delivery
    • Develop and promote agency policies and professional behavior that affect change
    • Identify gaps in policies at varied levels, e.g., agency policies, public policies, regulations

Goal 4: Function autonomously in social work practice and assume leadership roles in public and private social service organizations.

  • SLO 7: CSWE Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
    • Employ (model) conscious use of self, self-reflection, self-monitoring, and self-correction in practice
    • Model professional demeanor in behavior and written and oral communications
    • Articulate the mission of social work to multiple constituencies
    • Consistently adhere to and model professional roles and boundaries
    • Articulate and advocate social work values and ethics among interdisciplinary situations and settings
    • Conduct oneself ethically and engage in ethical decision-making using different approaches and strategies, e.g., moral reasoning, cultural perspective, professionalism in research and practice
    • Apply appropriate social work values to resolve ethical issues
    • Analyze and communicate professional judgments, reasoning, and process in practice
  • SLO 8: CSWE Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Use empathy and other interpersonal skills
    • Implement a mutually agreed upon focus of work and desired outcome
  • SLO 9: CSWE Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Select appropriate intervention strategies
    • Implement prevention strategies that enhance client capacities
    • Assist clients to resolve problems
    • Intervene in complex problems with systems of all sizes and types
    • Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for client systems
    • Demonstrate one’s ability to move a client system through the practice intervention process

Goal 5: Develop skills in both quantitative and qualitative research to increase the effectiveness of social work practice, policies, and programs.

  • SLO 10: CSWE Competency 4: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
    • Use evidence-based research findings to improve practice
    • Evaluate social policies and programs
    • Integrate qualitative and quantitative research in all aspects of advanced generalist practice
    • Work collaboratively across disciplines to assess intervention effectiveness, ways to engage in practice evaluation, and opportunities to build cross-discipline research approaches
  • SLO 11: CSWE Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

    • Articulate the impact of policies on service delivery

    • Develop and promotes agency policies and professional behavior that affect change

    • Identify gaps in policies at varied levels, e.g., agency policies, public policies, regulations

  • SLO 12: CSWE Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

    • Facilitate transitions and endings

    • Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions

    • Evaluate complex problems with systems of all sizes and types

    • Synthesize and apply a broad range of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills consistent with current evidence informed practice

Goal 6: Commit to bringing about a socially just society through the promotion of public-spirited citizenship.

  • SLO 13: CSWE Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
    • Engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice in agencies and organizations
    • Incorporate an understanding of regional and global interconnections of oppression and apply this understanding to social work practice
    • Take action to redress mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
    • Embrace the obligation to advance human rights and foster social, economic, and environmental justice
    • Engage in community collaborations that foster social, economic, and environmental justice and social change
  • SLO 14: CSWE Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

    • Articulate the impact of policies on service delivery

    • Develop and promote agency policies and professional behavior that affect change

    • Identify gaps in policies at varied levels, e.g., agency policies, public policies, regulations