Athletic Training Tuition and Fees | Springfield College

Athletic Training Tuition and Fees

Entering as an Undergraduate Student (3+2)

Degree Program

UG Year 4 (Summer 1)

UG Year 4 (Fall 1)

UG Year 4 (Spring 1)

GR Summer 2

GR Fall 2

GR Spring 2

Credits take per term12181551012
Tuition   $6,060$12,120$14,544
Required FeesNA  NA$406$406
Technology FeeNA  NA$592$592
(Less SC Grant)($5,000)*FT UG*FT UG-$3,334-$3,333-$3,333
Total   $2,726$9,785$12,209

Entering as an Graduate Student (2 Year)

Degree Program

GR Summer 1

GR Fall 1

GR Spring 1

GR Summer 2

GR Fall 2

GR Spring 2

Credits take per term1215-18**12-15**31010
Required FeeNA$406$406NA$406$406
Technology FeeNA$592$592NA$592$592

NOTES: (Less) $3,333 SC Grant per term of full-time Graduate study up to six terms, for students with a Bachelors from Springfield College.

Students who may receive a Graduate Assistantship or Fellowship may not combine the SC-grant with their tuition waiver. Only one award may apply to a student's account at a time. Students will receive the higher value award.