Outdoor Pursuits
Student Information
Information regarding the first meeting time for all students who are registered for WLPL for the spring semester is forthcoming. At that time, information will be provided as an orientation to WLPL 201.
A Brightspace classroom has been set up for this course, which is where students can find additional information as well as the remainder of all scheduled classes. Attendance will be taken and will be considered when the final grade for the course is submitted. Grades will be lowered by half a letter grade for each class missed. Failure to attend all three classes will result in being dropped from the class completely without a refund of the class fee. Please be aware that attendance for WLPL 201 meetings are mandatory, as academic credit will be given. The camp director, prior to any meeting, must excuse any conflicts or athletic events.
For advanced approval or if you have any questions, students should email Ben Taylor at btaylor2@springfield.edu.
Outdoor Pursuits will be held at East Campus from May 8-15, 2024.
Student Staff Information
Thank you for taking the time to look into a position as a student employee at Outdoor Pursuits (WLPL 201). It is our hope that your interest in returning to camp stems from a positive experience in the past that you’d like to help recreate for others. Or, even better, you’d like to get involved and offer improvements as a member of the staff. Either way, we are looking for committed, responsible, and fun-loving staff members for this year’s camp, which will take place in spring 2024.
Apply for a Staff PositionStaff Position Descriptions
Up above you will find the one-page application for Outdoor Pursuits 2024. Please print it out, fully complete the requested information, and return it to East Campus no later than Friday, February 2. This includes obtaining a faculty reference and signature. You also will find job descriptions for all of the positions available at camp. Read them thoroughly and list your top choices on your application.
Both returning and new staff fill out the same application, but only new staff will have an interview. Once we receive your application, new staff members will receive an email to set up an interview. Applications are open to anyone who has attended and successfully passed Outdoor Pursuits as a student.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give East Campus a call at (413) 748-4020.