Coming to Springfield College for my first semester, I played volleyball and was an applied exercise science major with a nutrition minor. I planned on working as a strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer following graduation. However, entering into my second year, I stopped playing volleyball and began to have second thoughts about my major. I realized that much of the enjoyment I found in applied exercise science was associated with playing volleyball and sport-specific training. Once I was no longer training for volleyball, I started to lose my interest in the field and realized that applied exercise science was not something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Although I had decided that applied exercise science was not the major for me, I still wasn’t sure what was the right major. I spent time self-reflecting, talking to friends and family, meeting with my academic advisor, and talking to a career counselor. The Springfield College Career Center was extremely helpful in this process. It was not too long before I found my niche in the psychology department. I had always been intrigued by the field of psychology and had good success in the few courses I had taken previously, so it made a lot of sense.
Two and half years later, I am extremely happy that I switched my major to psychology when I did. I have had some awesome experiences. I have conducted undergraduate research, met tons of awesome people, and am currently completing a psychology internship.