Amnesty Policy | Springfield College

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What does medical amnesty mean?

The Springfield College community values the health and safety of its members and supports an environment that encourages students to help others who are in need of assistance. This policy has been established to encourage students to take responsible action when another student or guest is at risk due to the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs or other medical emergencies. Medical amnesty does not apply to other conduct violations such as assault, harassment, hazing, vandalism, driving under the influence, property damage, or distribution of illicit substances.

If a friend is experiencing a medical emergency from drinking too much, consuming a drug, or any other reason, you should call for help. Stay with your friend and answer any questions that the responders have. By doing so, you are being a good friend, a good member of the College community, and have some protections from College penalties.

For the Caller

If you need to call for help for another student or guest, you should be aware of the following:

  • Call Public Safety as soon as you identify that assistance is needed. You may also call your on-call residence life staff. 
  • Remain with the individual until help arrives.
  • Answer any questions that Public Safety, EMS, or college officials may have to the best of your ability. 
  • Your name may be documented as part of the incident.
  • A student that summons help for another student/guest can receive amnesty on an ongoing basis.

For the Student Needing Assistance

  • The most important thing is that you receive the medical assistance necessary.
  • You will have a meeting with a hearing officer.
  • Students for whom medical amnesty is granted are subject to mandatory educational interventions. Medical amnesty may exempt you from additional judicial sanctions.

You can read the entire medical amnesty policy in the student handbook.