Medical Amnesty FAQ | Springfield College

Medical Amnesty FAQ

What is medical amnesty?

  • Medical amnesty is applied when a student seeks medical treatment for one’s self or others due to ingestion of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Medical amnesty means that the student will not face disciplinary sanctions for conduct, although, educational sanctions may still be applied.
  • The matter is not disclosed on background checks to outside entities.

How does as student get medical amnesty?

  • The student, or someone on his or her behalf, must be actively seeking medical attention from a College official (resident assistant, resident director, police, etc.), not from a friend, equipped to assess the situation. The person must then stay with the impaired student for medical amnesty to be applied.
  • A student found dangerously intoxicated, and/or under the influence of drugs by a College official, will not qualify for medial amnesty.
  • A student does not need to “claim” medical amnesty, if the incident began with actively seeking help, then medical amnesty will apply automatically.

What happens when a student receives medical amnesty?

  • College officials are committed to engaging students in learning from incidents that lead to medical amnesty; therefore, the process provides that the student will meet with the appropriate person from Student Affairs to discuss the report and follow-up steps that may include alcohol or substance abuse education.

Who receives medical amnesty?

  • The student who needed assistance and the person assisting, if applicable.

How many times can someone receive medical amnesty?

  • A student who needs assistance due to being dangerously intoxicated, and/or under the influence of drugs on more than one occasion, may be subject to disciplinary action.