Spiritual Life Services | Springfield College

Spiritual Life Services

Springfield College Spiritual Life seeks to promote the spiritual growth of all members of the Springfield College community. Spiritual Life provides opportunities for discussion, reflection, meditation, worship, and engaged social action.

The services offered go to the heart of the mission of Springfield College—to educate students in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to humanity. To this end, the department initiates programs and works collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff from various organizations and departments across the college. The goal of Spiritual Life is to foster reflective thought and effective action.

The following lists some of the specific services offered by Spiritual Life at Springfield College. Please visit the Spiritual Life Center contact information page for additional information.

  • Pastoral Counseling: Spiritual Life provides pastoral counseling for students, faculty, and staff. While the associate ministers represent specific traditions, they are prepared and equipped to serve the whole campus community. All are welcome in the Spiritual Life Center, and all will find comfort and support.
  • Spiritual Development: Whatever one’s spiritual background, the Spiritual Life Center provides resources and support, ranging from study groups, campus events and cocurricular activities, one-on-one counseling and spiritual direction, and networking with local and regional spiritual centers and religious organizations.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Spiritual Life works with organizations locally, nationally, and internationally to provide students with opportunities to put their beliefs into effective action in service of humanity.
  • Advocacy: The department works on behalf of the Springfield College community to raise awareness of spiritual, religious, and social justice issues on and off campus.
  • Visiting Lectures and Special Events: Spiritual Life invites prominent figures from a variety of spiritual backgrounds to campus throughout the course of the year.
  • Raising Awareness: The Spiritual Life Center affirms and embraces the diverse traditions represented on campus. It works to be responsive to and supportive of religious pluralism through the work of the director and the associate ministers.
  • Worship Opportunities: Regular worship services are offered for members of the College community. These include (but are not limited to) a Catholic Mass, celebrated each Sunday at 4 p.m., and Halftime, our mid-week contemporary word and worship service, held Wednesday at 7 p.m. Both are held in Marsh Memorial Chapel. We host monthly Shabbat gatherings on campus and special programming for Jewish High Holidays. Spiritual Life also sponsors regular interfaith services and seasonal holiday services.
  • A complete roster of local churches, synagogues, and mosques is available to students who have particular interests in specific faith communities.
Spiritual Life at Springfield College