Veterans Scholarships | Springfield College

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Veterans Scholarships

Scholarship Opportunities for Military Members

Springfield College - American Flag on Marsh Building

As a service to our military students, veterans, and their families, we have compiled a list of
available scholarships for the various branches of the military.

Outside Scholarship Opportunities for Military Members

Scholarships for Air Force Members/Dependents

There are various scholarships available for Air Force dependents through the Airmen Memorial Foundation.

The Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) offers scholarships current members of AAAA; or the spouse of a current AAAA member or deceased member; or the son or daughter of a current member or deceased member; or the grandchild of a current member or deceased member; or the unmarried sibling of a current member or deceased member.

There are various scholarships available for Air Force members and their dependents through the Air & Space Forces Association.

Scholarships for Army-related Service Members/Dependents

The Army Scholarship Foundation (ASF) awards one-year financial scholarships on the basis of academic record and participation in school and community activities. ASF also awards many other scholarships.

AMVETS offers scholarships to veterans/active military, their sons, daughters or grandchildren. A son, daughter, or grandchild of a deceased Veteran is also eligible.

The 2nd Infantry Division Association offers a scholarship to children or grandchildren of members of the association, and who have been members in good standing for three or more consecutive years, and those stepchildren who can be claimed as a dependent on an association member’s federal income tax return. Also eligible are children or grandchildren of men or women killed in action while serving with the 2nd Division.

The National 4th Infantry (IVY) Division Association offers a number of scholarships. Memorial Scholarships shall be awarded to the child, children, stepchildren, or legally adopted child or children of those soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division who died while serving with the 4th Infantry Division in Iraq, Afghanistan, and/or the War Against Terror. A regular member of this association, in good standing, may personally apply for, or may submit an application for, an Annual Scholarship for his or her child, children or stepchildren, legally adopted child or children and/or grandchild, grandchildren or step-grandchildren.

The American Legion Auxiliary offers a number of scholarships. Applicants must be the children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of veterans who served in the Armed Forces for membership in The American Legion, must be high school seniors, and complete 50 hours of community service. Selection is based on character, application/essay, scholastic achievement, leadership and financial need.

The Army Women’s Foundation offers scholarships to women who have served or is serving honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, Army National Guard, or the child of a woman who served honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard.

The Screaming Eagle Foundation offers financial aid for a 101st Airborne Division Association member or their family member in school to further their education.

The mission of the Airborne Scholarship Association is to provide merit-based undergraduate school scholarships to the dependent family members of veterans, active duty and Department of the Army civilians from units within the XVIII Airborne Corps, not including the 82nd.

The 82nd Airborne Division Association offers a scholarship for dependents of veterans who have served in the 82nd. This scholarship differs from most in that it is applied for at the beginning of the fall semester, listing college expenses. The deadline is November 1 for the school year enrolled in.

The Army Nurse Corps Association offers scholarships for nursing students with Army affiliation as either a veteran, spouse, or child.

The Green Beret Foundation offers scholarships for children of Green Berets.

The Special Forces Association offers a scholarship. The window to apply is June 1-June 30.

Scholarships for Children of Veterans

The American Legion Auxiliary offers scholarships to the children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of veterans who served in the Armed Forces for membership in The American Legion, must be high school seniors, and complete 50 hours of community service. Selection is based on character, application/essay, scholastic achievement, leadership, and financial need.

AMVETS awards scholarships to veterans/active military, their sons, daughters, or grandchildren. A son, daughter, or grandchild of a deceased veteran is also eligible.

The Folds of Honor offers scholarships for children and spouses of disabled and deceased veterans. Applying is open from February 1 to March 31.

The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund offers scholarships for children of veterans 100% disabled or deceased from military action or training.

The Veterans United Foundation offers scholarships for children and spouses of deceased servicemembers.

DECA offers commissary scholarships for ID card holding dependents.

VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association offers scholarships for children of Desert Storm veterans.

The Black Horse Association offers scholarships for children of its members.

Daughters of the Cincinnati offers scholarships to daughters of career commissioned officers in the United States armed services.

The Purple Heart Scholarship Program is a competitive program that awards scholarships to Purple Heart recipients and their spouses, children, and grandchildren each year. At least one applicant with military service will be awarded the Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy Memorial Award.

The Purple Heart Foundation offers scholarships to Purple Heart recipients and their direct descendants (including spouses, children, and grandchildren). 

The Night Stalker Foundation offers scholarships to spouses of any active duty soldier currently assigned to the unit, a legal dependent of any current or previous active duty member of the unit, or an active duty enlisted soldier currently assigned to the unit.

Scholarships for Coast Guard Members/Dependents

The Coast Guard Foundation offers scholarships to enlisted Coast Guard reservists or their eligible dependents.

AFCEA General Emmett Paige scholarships are available to active duty members of the uniformed military services. Veterans (honorably discharged), military spouses and children can also apply for this scholarship. 

The Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Supplemental Education Grant Program offers financial assistance by reimbursing certain costs associated with seeking a college degree, a Vocational and Technical Training (VoTech) certificate, or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED).

The Scholarships for Military Children program is open to sons and daughters of U.S. military servicemembers (including active duty, retirees, Guard/Reserves, and survivors of deceased members) who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time undergraduate at a college or university.

The CWOA Lt. Art and Eleanor Colona Scholarship Grant was established by the Colona family to financially assist dependent children of enlisted members of the United States Coast Guard (active, retired, or reserve

Thanks USA offers scholarships to spouses of U.S. military service personnel or dependent children under the age of 24.

The Tilman Military Scholarship covers tuition and books, and provides a living stipend for eligible service members, veterans, or military spouses.

Folds of Honor offers scholarships to spouses and children of service members to fund their education. training. Children are eligible for funding for school tuition, educational tutoring, an approved/accredited homeschooling curriculum, required books and school uniforms. Spouses enrolled or applying for enrollment at an accredited institution of higher learning are eligible for funding for tuition and books.
Award amount: $5,000, with reapplication each year 
Application deadline: March 31

TheTheThe First Command Educational Foundation offers scholarships to active or veteran military service members, federal civilian employees, civilians, and their families.
Application deadline: April 14

Fisher House Scholarship for Military Children offers scholarships to unmarried children of active military duty personnel, reserve/guard and retired military members, or survivors of service members who died while on active duty.

Scholarships for Federal Government Employees

The Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund offers merit-based scholarships to federal public servants, their spouses, children, and grandchildren. An additional nearly 200 scholarships go to surviving children whose federal employee parents died or were severely injured in the line of duty during terrorist attacks.

The AFGE Union Plus Scholarship Program awards scholarships to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education.

Scholarships for Children and Grandchildren

The Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association offers scholarships to children, step-children and grandchildren of regular, reserve, retired or deceased officers or enlisted members who have served or who are now serving with the Naval Construction Force (Seabees) or Naval Civil Engineer Corps, or who have served, but have since been honorably discharged. Scholarships are for four-year bachelor's degrees.

The American Legion Auxiliary offers a number of scholarships to the children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of veterans who served in the Armed Forces for membership in The American Legion, must be high school seniors, and complete 50 hours of community service. Selection is based on character, application/essay, scholastic achievement, leadership and financial need.

AMVETS offers scholarships to veterans/active military, their sons, daughters, or grandchildren. A son, daughter, or grandchild of a deceased veteran is also eligible.

A regular member of the National 4th Infantry Division Association, in good standing, may personally apply for, or may submit an application for, a scholarship for his or her child, children, or step-children, legally adopted child or children, and/or grandchild, grandchildren or step-grandchildren.

The Descendants of Korean War Foundation offers scholarships to children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren direct descendants of Korean War veterans.

Scholarships for Military Veterans

The Army Women’s Foundation offers scholarships to women who have served or is serving honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, Army National Guard, or the child of a woman who served honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard.

The Pat Tillman Foundation offers scholarships to veteran and active-duty military service members, honorably discharged of pre-and post-9/11 service, from all branches of the U.S. Military, including National Guard and Reserve, current spouses of veterans or active-duty service members, including surviving spouses.

The American Legion offers scholarships to members of the American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion and who have paid dues for the two preceding years and for the calendar year in which they apply. The applicant must also be a student who has had at least one year of college and is in need of financial assistance to pursue an undergraduate degree. 

The Dr. Aurelio M. Caccomo Family Foundation Memorial Scholarship is awarded to veterans, including members of the National Guard and Reserves, who are seeking new skills in order to be competitive in the job market.

AMVETS offers scholarships to veterans/active military, their sons, daughters, or grandchildren. A son, daughter, or grandchild of a deceased veteran is also eligible.

The Horatio Alger Military Veterans Scholarship is awarded to veterans who have served under the United States Military Operation in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan or Operation Iraqi Freedom beginning Sept. 11, 2001 or later.

The Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship program is available to the recipient of a Purple Heart; a direct descendant of a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, or of a veteran killed in action or who died of wounds; or a spouse or widow(er) of a recipient of the Purple Heart.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Scholarship program provides 25 $3,000 scholarships annually to VFW members who are currently serving in uniform or have been discharged within the 36 months before the December 31 deadline. Also, the VFW and one of its major supporters, Sport Clips Haircuts, have again partnered to help veterans and their families. The VFW's "Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship" will provide service members and veterans with the financial assistance they need to complete their educational goals without incurring excessive student loan debt.

The AFCEA Military Personnel/Dependents Scholarships can be awarded to persons on active duty in the uniformed military services, to honorably discharged U.S. military veterans (including Reservists and National Guard personnel), disabled veterans, and to their spouses or dependents who are currently enrolled full time in an eligible degree program at an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the U.S.

Leave No Veteran Behind addresses veteran student debt head on with its Retroactive Scholarship Program.

The Wells Fargo veteran emergency grants are designed to help U.S. military veterans who are pursuing a postsecondary degree and who face financial emergencies that impact their ability to pay for school.

Student Veterans of America offer a variety of scholarships to top student veterans that does not interfere with the G.I. Bill or other financial aid.

Scholarships for Navy and Marine Members

The Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association offers scholarships to children, step-children and grandchildren of regular, reserve, retired or deceased officers or enlisted members who have served or who are now serving with the Naval Construction Force (Seabees) or Naval Civil Engineer Corps, or who have served, but have since been honorably discharged. Scholarships are for four-year bachelor's degrees.

The American Legion Auxiliary offers a number of scholarships. Applicants must be the children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of veterans who served in the Armed Forces for membership in The American Legion, must be high school seniors, and complete 50 hours of community service. Selection is based on character, application/essay, scholastic achievement, leadership and financial need.

The 1st Marine Division Association assists dependents of deceased, missing in action, or 100% permanently disabled veterans of service with the 1st Marine Division in furthering their education towards a bachelor's degree.

The Navy League Foundation awards scholarships to high school seniors who will attend college in the fall. The scholarships are available only to children and grandchildren of former members of the Sea Services and those currently serving as well as members of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps.

The Women Marines Association offers scholarships to those who have served, or currently serving in the United States Marine Corps or Reserve; be a direct descendant by blood, legal adoption or stepchild of a Marine on active duty, or who has served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, Regular or Reserve; be a sibling or a descendant of a sibling by blood, legal adoption, or stepchild of a Marine on active duty, or who has served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, Regular or Reserve; or have participated in a Marine Corps JROTC program.

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation offers need-based scholarships to military children. The scholarships help cover the cost of attending post-high school, undergraduate, and career and technical education programs.

The Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund offers scholarships to dependent child (natural or adopted), stepchild, or a non-uniformed spouse (registered in DEERS) of a U.S. Navy active duty, retired, honorably discharged, reserve or deceased Chief, Senior Chief, or Master Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy.

The Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial Association awards the USS Bowfin Memorial Scholarships every year to submariners who are stationed in Hawaii and their immediate family members (spouse and children). Scholarships are also available for retired submarine Sailors and their immediate family members (spouse and children) living in Hawaii.

The Dolphin Scholarship Foundation offers scholarships to eligible members of the U.S. submarine force and their dependents.

The United States Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation offers scholarships to grandchildren, children, legal dependents of sponsors who are “Members in Good Standing” of USSVI or their direct families may register and initiate a Scholarship Application Process. 

Scholarships for Spouses/Caregivers

The Hope For The Warriors Spouse/Caregiver Scholarship Program celebrates and rewards the spouses and caregivers of post-9/11 veterans for their strength, fidelity and resolve as they take on new and critical roles after experiencing the impact of war on their families.

The National Military Family Association offers scholarships to help pay for everything from GEDs to PhDs, professional licenses and certifications, including re-licensure, business and entrepreneurial expenses, supervised clinical hours, continuing education courses, and more.

The Pat Tillman Foundation offers scholarships to veteran and active-duty military service members, honorably discharged of pre-and post-9/11 service, from all branches of the U.S. Military, including National Guard and Reserve, current spouses of veterans or active-duty service members, including surviving spouses.

The Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship program is available to the recipient of a Purple Heart; a direct descendant of a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, or of a veteran killed in action or who died of wounds; or a spouse or widow(er) of a recipient of the Purple Heart.

The AFCEA Military Personnel/Dependents Scholarships can be awarded to persons on active duty in the uniformed military services, to honorably discharged U.S. military veterans (including Reservists and National Guard personnel), disabled veterans, and to their spouses or dependents who are currently enrolled full time in an eligible degree program at an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the U.S.

The Special Forces Shield Maidens and the Special Forces Foundation offer the Shannon Kent Special Forces Spouse Scholarship to provide support and grants to the women behind the Green Berets looking to further their education and professional pursuits.