Refunds | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Enrollment Status

During the first week of classes, an undergraduate student may add or drop individual courses. If an undergraduate student drops below 12 credits, they are charged on a per credit basis and will be considered a part-time student. Please note that financial aid eligibility and participation in varsity athletics may be affected. Please check with the appropriate offices to determine the impact of part-time enrollment. If courses exceed 18 credits, you will be charged at the per credit rate for all credits exceeding 18 in a semester.

Credit Balance eRefund Policies

Springfield College has implemented an eRefund Policy effective January 1, 2019.

This new policy will now require all students to set up an electronic refund (eRefund) account which will result in students receiving their refunds, (if applicable), by direct deposit into the bank account the student sets up.

Refunds that are less than $25.00, and not the result of excess federal funds, will be held towards future charges and will only be refunded after graduation or separation from the College.

Students enrolled in eRefunds will receive their refunds 7-10 days earlier than students being issued paper checks, within Title IV compliance. If a student has a verified refund balance on their account by Monday, students enrolled in eRefund will have their funds deposited by that Friday (approximately four days); students receiving a paper check will have their refunds processed by the following Friday (approximately eleven days). These time frames do not include bank processing time (approximately 1-2 days) or mailing time (approximately 2-3 days).

Please note in order for your refund to be direct deposited, your eRefund account will need to be set up five days prior to the refund being processed

Students can set up their eRefund account in their PrideNET account:

Log into PrideNET; Click “My Profile" tab, “My Student Financial Portal” on the left side of the page; “Student eBill/Payment Plan”; “View semester eBill”; “Setup eRefund” located below account summary. This will bring you to the CashNet portal.  Click on “click here to enroll in eRefund,", then follow the steps.  Be sure you enter the correct bank account and routing number.

Download the Credit Balance Hold Form

Book vouchers and Financial Aid

Per your Financial Obligation Agreement, you authorize Springfield College to apply your financial aid from Title IV Federal funds to other charges assessed to your student account, such as student health insurance, parking permits, bookstore charges, service fees, and fines, and any other education-related charges. 

Please note, if your refund is from Title IV Federal funds and you choose to use your anticipated credit (up to $550 per term) to purchase books and school supplies other than our campus bookstore, please notify Student Accounts by emailing them at   

Online Book Vouchers

Students who have excess funds from their financial aid will be able to request a Bookstore Voucher through the “Request Bookstore Voucher” link on their eBill a couple of weeks prior to the start of the semester through the add/drop period.. If your credit balance is due to your semester payment plan, you are not eligible for a bookstore voucher. Voucher requests for up to the student’s projected credit balance, with a maximum of $1,500, will be automatically approved and available on their Pride Card within 15 minutes for use through the College Bookstore. If you find that you need additional funds for books and supplies (only applies if you still show an excess of aid) and you have not requested the maximum amount, you will need to contact the Student Accounts office via email at or via phone at (413) 748-3183 to have additional funds added. Requests for increases in book voucher funds will be processed during normal business hours, Monday-Friday. Please check your book voucher balances to confirm that your request has been processed prior to completing your form. 

How will this impact my refund? If you have a credit balance of $2,000 and you use $800 from your book voucher, your refund will be $1,200. 

Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plan Refund Policy

Tuition and housing will be refunded as follows

Fall and Spring Semesters (15 week courses)

Withdrawal/Drop Date
(based on the official start of the semester)
Traditional Refund PercentageOnline and Regional Refund Percentage*
Prior to start100 percent100 percent
During first week of classes90 percent100 percent
During second week of classes80 percent100 percent
During third week of classes60 percent60 percent
During fourth week of classes40 percent40 percent
During fifth week of classes20 percent20 percent
Sixth week of classes and after0 percent0 percent
Summer Semester (12 week courses) 
Withdrawal/Drop Date
(based on the official start of the semester)
Traditional Refund PercentageOnline and Regional Refund Percentage*
Prior to start100 percent100 percent
During first week of classes90 percent100 percent
During second week of classes80 percent100 percent
During third week of classes60 percent60 percent
During fourth week of classes40 percent40 percent
Fifth week of classes and after0 percent0 percent
 College Consortium Courses 
Withdrawal/Drop Date (based on the official start of course)Tuition Refund Percentage
On or before the first week of course100 percent
On the second day of course75 percent
On the third day of course50 percent
After the third day of course0 percent
  • Meal plans will be refunded less the actual usage, including dining dollars. An administrative fee of $200 dollars will be assessed to the student’s account.
  • Fees are nonrefundable, unless the withdrawal is effective prior to the start of classes.
  • There may be additional room cancellation fees assessed to the student’s account.
  • Half of the academic year allowance for books and supplies is considered to be spent at the start of each semester.
  • Financial aid received is refunded to granting agencies based on the date of withdrawal, subject to funding source regulations and College policy.
  • No refunds will be made to students suspended, dismissed or expelled during the course of a semester. This also includes students who leave prior to the completion of a judicial hearing.
  • Withdrawal date is the date of the student’s official date of notification to the College.

Access the Student Accounts Portal on PrideNet

Tuition Insurance

Springfield College has partnered with GradGuard to provide our families with tuition insurance from Allianz Global Assistance featuring special plans and rates not available to the general public.

This coverage expands the scope of our refund policy by ensuring reimbursement for tuition, fees, room and board for covered withdrawals at any time during the semester.

The deadline to apply for this tuition insurance is the day before the first day of classes each semester.

Students will not see a charge on their SC student eBill. Students and families who opt-in for this tuition insurance will work directly with GradGuard regarding payment.

For more information or to opt in for this tuition insurance, visit or call 1-866-724-4384.