Biochemistry Lab | Springfield College

The Biochemistry Lab at Springfield College is used to support both teaching and research efforts within the Department of Exercise Science.  Students are taught how to safely handle, process, and analyze biological samples including, blood, urine and in some cases, sweat. Our students are taught the fundamentals of performing enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Students then are able to use these skills to collect and analyze samples for their research projects. The biochemistry lab is also used by faculty to complete their research projects. Within recent years, the lab has been used to process stool and blood samples which were then shipped out to collaborating labs.


  • Refrigerated centrifuge
  • Plate reader and washer
  • Electronic pipettes
  • -80 degree freezer
  • A refrigerator 
  • Blood lactate analyzers
  • Water purification system
  • Bento Lab (to perform real-time PCR)