Pregnant and Parenting Student Resources | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Pregnant and Parenting Student Resources

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against students based on their sex, which includes protections for pregnant and parenting students. Springfield College does not discriminate against pregnant or parenting students on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or related conditions, including recovery. Students at Springfield College have the right to take medically necessary leave and to be free of harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination because of pregnancy-related conditions and have the right to return to the same academic and co-curricular standing following a leave for these purposes.

The College has the responsibility to ensure that all faculty members understand the Title IX requirements related to excused absences relative to pregnancy and parenting, including class participation, grades, and delayed due dates for assignments. If you are experiencing medical concerns based on your pregnancy or parenting that are affecting your academic schedule or standing, support can be provided by meeting with the College Title IX coordinator or one of the deputy Title IX coordinators.

Examples of accommodations that students can request include but are not limited to: 

  • Larger desk
  • Breaks during class, as needed
  • Excused absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
  • Rescheduling tests or exams or submitting work after a deadline due to pregnancy or childbirth
  • Providing alternatives to make up missed work

If you have experienced discrimination related to your pregnancy or parenting status you can report the discrimination here

Parenting Room: 

The Learning Commons has a parenting room located to the right side of the first floor by the printers. The room number is LC103. 

The room is designed for a variety of parenting needs, ranging from breastfeeding to diaper changing. If you need to use this room, please ask a present staff member at the information desk to open it for you.

External Resources: