A Message from President Mary-Beth Cooper and Dr. Calvin Hill | Springfield College

A Message from President Mary-Beth Cooper and Dr. Calvin Hill

As members of our Springfield College community, we stand in solidarity with our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community today.

Dear Colleagues:

As members of our Springfield College community, we stand in solidarity with our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community today.

We were horrified to learn of the shooting of eight people in the Atlanta area, including six Asian women on Tuesday, March 16th. While the reasons behind this senseless act of violence are unclear, we will not turn a blind eye to the many acts of violence this past year, since the COVID-19 pandemic started last March, where Asians and Asian Americans have been victims of xenophobia and racism.

We stand with our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander students, staff, faculty and community members. This violence must stop and we must end this nonsensical blame game. Hate has no place in America.

Please join us in denouncing this and all acts of racism and hate on campus and within our larger community.

Educate. End Hate.

In Solidarity,

Mary-Beth Cooper, PhD, DM


Calvin Hill, PhD
Vice President for Inclusion and Community Engagement