William Simpson Fine Arts Series Virtual Student Art Exhibition | Springfield College

William Simpson Fine Arts Series Virtual Student Art Exhibition

In this inclusive virtual exhibit, see the work of Sarah Collins, a graduating senior in art therapy, as well as artwork completed by students in many of our courses in visual and performing arts including: Studio in Painting, Studio in Drawing, Studio in Sculpture, Studio in Design, and Pre-practicum in Art Therapy. 

December 7-20, 2020

In this inclusive virtual exhibit, see the work of Sarah Collins, a graduating senior in art therapy, as well as artwork completed by students in many of our courses in visual and performing arts including: Studio in Painting, Studio in Drawing, Studio in Sculpture, Studio in Design, and Pre-practicum in Art Therapy. 

View the exhibit.

This exhibit will be virtual ONLY. The William Blizard Gallery is closed for the remainder of the semester.

The William Blizard Gallery is the primary art gallery of Springfield College. It is dedicated to showcasing the work of undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts as well as professional artists from the local community and beyond. The Gallery aims to be a creative community space which supports experimental work in the arts and fosters dialogue and programming in arts and culture.