Health Care Management | Springfield College

Health Care Management

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Springfield College female students in class

Through the Health Care Management minor at Springfield College, students will be prepared for leadership roles in one of the fastest growing industries in the country. 

Introductory courses in the functional areas of business—including accounting, finance, management, and marketing—help build a solid foundation of business management knowledge, while many upper-level courses are specific to the health field. Students often build upon their classroom education by completing an internship in a health care business setting. 

Our graduates have entered careers in a variety of health care settings, including hospitals, home health care agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and health facilities. 

Business Management Advisory Board

The Department of Business Management Advisory Board plays an important role in the strategy and operations for our programs.

The advisory board, which includes influential business leaders, provides us insight to make sure our program offerings align with the needs of careers within the field.

Professor Mike Musante teaches a class
Incoming first year Springfield College students participate in June Orientation on Alden Street
Core Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed in faithfulness to the Springfield College mission and to further strengthen the Humanics philosophy of educating students in spirit, mind, and body.

Student at the Learning Commons
Career Center

The Career Center’s mission is to educate, inspire, and empower students and alumni to effectively make well-informed career decisions. The staff is committed to student learning and development, and offers a variety of opportunities and programming for students and alumni.

The Academic Success Center offers readily and easily accessible services including support in writing, mathematics, science, subject area tutoring, learning strategies and time management counseling, and assistance for students with documented disabilities.
Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center offers readily and easily accessible services including support in writing, mathematics, science, subject area tutoring, learning strategies and time management counseling, and assistance for students with documented disabilities.

IACBE Accreditation

The Department of Business Management at Springfield College has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs, please view our IACBE member status page.

IACBE logo for accreditation

AACSB Membership

As a member of the Business Education Alliance of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Springfield College is part of the world’s largest global business education network, connecting educational institutions and businesses to develop exceptional global leaders.

AACSB Business Education Alliance Member